Dear George,
You were born a day 25 and you have gone a day 25. Life gave you a second chance,
But now he has taken it from you.
I have felt your death as if it were a family, not in vain have you in my life 48 years. You have been and will be the soundtrack of my life.
I have overcome a very sad stage in my life of your hand, in the arms of your music.
I will continue to admire you, respecting and loving you forever.
Your loss is not replaced with anything.
We just have to keep your music and your memory alive. Wherever you are you will see your lovelies remembering your music, your way of being, your humor, your honesty.
You will never be aware of the deep sadness that your loss has caused us. Never.
Rest in peace, you deserve it.
I love you.


I am so sad at the loss of such an amazing person...
First memories from my first year at high school when 'wham rap' and 'young guns' were out in the 80's
I remember the announcement of the end of Wham and writing to Piccadilly Radio with over 5000 pleases (handwritten) as I couldn't get tickets for The Final ... They got me tickets and I went , tears on that day too , but also amazing memories.
Then many more memories from front row concert tickets at Wembley Arena when I lived in London to amazing front row seats at Manchester for the last concerts he ever did , a week later I found out I was expecting my second daughter (first one called Georgia as my dad was also called George)
Both my girls know the words to all of his songs as they have grown up listening to them
We cried together today , my heart is broken but the memories of an amazing man will live on in our hearts and those of millions of others
RIP George , love to your family and friends 'You have been loved' ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


George, tu as su tutoyer nos cœurs. Ta voix angélique et sensuelle, tes doux mots, le génie de ta musique ont su dompter et rassembler tant de fans. Oui, grâce à Toi tant de gens se sont rencontrés, souvent virtuellement ou même à l'occasion de concerts. Des amoureux de la douceur, des cœurs en détresse... tous avec un intense besoin d'Amour (Love's In Need Of Love). Tout cela, Toi seul a su le leur apporter. A présent, nous nous retrouvons sans notre Mentor. Il est bien tris...te ce dernier Noël (Last Christmas). Sans Toi, nos journées n'auront plus les mêmes saveurs, douceurs, ce réconfort. Tu nous as parlé de ta Patience, aujourd'hui je te dis que c'est avec une grande impatience que nous attendons le moment auquel nous nous retrouverons aux portes du Paradis (The Edge of Heaven). Nous t'aimons énormément et cela ne changera jamais et au nom de Ton Amour (For the Love of You), nous continuerons encore et encore à t'écouter sans préjudice, à jouer tes chansons. Pour moi, tu fus un véritable Soleil qui illuminait mes journées, souvent bien difficiles. Je me souviendrai toujours jusqu'au dernier souffle du jour où tu m'as fait envoyer ce merveilleux bouquet de fleurs. Un jour de chimio, un de plus. Je ne t'avais rien demandé, tu ne me connaissais pas, tu as été touché par l'histoire de ma vie. Merci, mille fois merci. Ma famille et moi te serions éternellement reconnaissants. Ma mini GMLovely de 11 ans, ainsi que ma mère de 85 ans te pleurent également. Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai George!
Merci beaucoup,


I woke up this morning and my dad told me that George Michael passed away. First I thought it was a nightmare but after a few minutes I knew it was real. I felt like 11 January when David Bowie passed away empty,lost i didnt know what to think really. When David passed away this year I thought thankgod we have George Michael. The year 2016 started with a shock and it ends also with a shock. I really thought 2017 will be a better year with George in it. Now I know thats not possible anymore... Still cant believe it heartbroken too and I know many others feel the same way. George I know that you cant read this but I always sent your pics, news etc with much love. I want to thank you for just 1 thing that I met all your great fans thanks to you I have so many friends I will be thankful forever.
I wish his family and friends much strength in this period.
The world lost a Singing Angel.


I can't describe how I feel today as I feel I've lost a big part of my life. George I know you have been away from the spot light for a while but knowing you was writing music for a new album and doing a documentary kept me going as I knew good things were coming. Then bang it's all over!! You have been a big part of my life since the Wham days and I've seen you in concert numerous times which were always fantastic. I know you will be in a happy place right now with the people you love and I have your music to keep my legend alive. I will always keep smiling while I have your music to get me through the day. RIP George and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you gave me and the rest of your lovelies. The fans will keep the singing Greek alive forever xxxxxxxxxxx


This beautiful man have made such a huge impression on my life ❤️
So glad to have been to concerts and shouted my love at him. Bought everything I could, made by him.
George, thanks, you will be in my heart forever.


Your music and soul where amazing, sometimes it felt like you've brushed my eyes with angelwings sometimes you just made me smile, as I was just a child you woke me up to go-go, a couple of years later you made me think about sex and its dangerous pleasures, as a young adult you kicked my ass to not wear the coat just twice a year and with the symphonica tour I finaly got to see you, front stage, in Brussels, on your best, doing what you loved, and we had the time of our lives.... there's so much more I forget to write but... thank you! Yesterday you've made me smile when my 10 years old daughter started singing 'wake me up......' while we were walking... you have been loved... 💔


A toi George
Tu resteras a tous jamais gravé dans mon coeur j'aimais tant ton sourire et ta générosité.
Ta voix unique est la plus belle ,ta musique a fait balancé mon coeur
pour moi tu resteras mon idole
Aujourd'hui tu es devenu un ange et tu a retrouvé ta mère et Anselmo
A vous famille et amis de George
Toutes mes sincères condoléances
votre fils,votre frère et votre ami a été aimé,adoré et même dans les cieux il sera toujours parmi nous, ses fans ,dans notre coeur
RIP George


You and Andrew, along with the others were my sunshine of youth, you were a great inspiration for me and others......
Forever I'll miss you Ichiban.


Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai... I'll be missing you...❤️❤️


You and only you have sung the soundtrack of my life. I can't even realize this is happening. I am so lucky to have seen both the Faith tour and 25 Live tour. I will NEVER forget and you and your heavenly voice will be in my soul forever. I love you always😘💔😪🖤


Difficile moment, je n avais jamais imaginé écrire sur George parce qu il nous a laissé et a été attiré par la "whitelight"...qu'il avait réussi pourtant à repousser une première fois.
Il est venu éclairé ma vie j'avais 14 ans et à partir de là il en a fait définitivement partie.
Mon 1er rendez vous magique 28 juin 1986 Wembley mon 1er et dernier concert de Wham! Puis avant Noël ce déjeuner dans le restaurant de son père avec Melanie.
De l'adolescence à ma vie de jeune femme, mes premiers amours, ruptures, ma rencontre avec mon futur mari ... mon mariage .. ma vie de femme, mes plus grandes douleurs comme mes plus grands bonheurs...
Songs of the last Century a bercé ma première grossesse. The first Time a bercé mon fils ...
et l histoire a continué avec les bonheurs que nous avons connu depuis son retour sur scène en 2006...
Je ne vais pas tout retracer ... Symphonica nous a apporté tant de belles choses et de souvenirs à jamais gravés
Cette tournée était particulière à bien des égards : lieux magiques, orchestre, choix des chansons et bien sûr sa voix exceptionnelle !
Et des moments qu on avait jamais vécu : des regards, des signes... une main qui nous frôle
Avec cette tournée il a réalisé notre rêve ... on ne savait pas à quel point elle serait précieuse et ultime !
Je pourrais remplir des pages sur ce qu il représente mais je voudrais surtout dire qu il était mon fil rouge, je m accrochais à lui à tous les moments de ma vie le fait de m'y accrocher me donner la pêche, de l espoir, m'aider à me relever doucement, à vibrer à nouveau, attendre ... et au bout de ce fil il y avait un rêve : le rencontrer même quelques minutes, même quand on sera vieux et moches comme je disais à mon mari !
Le fil vient de casser brutalement et me laisse un vide que rien ne pourra combler ... je suis perdue où vais je mettre mes espoirs, comment je vais surmonter les épreuves de la vie ?
En écrivant ces lignes je ne réalise toujours pas qu'il est parti ...
George tu es et sera until the end of Time mon étoile ... je t en veux quand même un peu de nous laisser orphelins... mais je sais que pour toi rien n était simple... alors si ta paix est a ce prix il faudra s y résigner
Je te remercie pour tout ce que tu m as apporté y compris les belles amitiés qui sont nées de cet amour pour toi
Tes lovelies continueront à te faire vivre!
George je t aime ... tu me manques déjà tant!


Dear George,
since 1988 when I saw you on stage in Munich,
I did not spend a single day without your music.
Comforts me in difficult moments,
makes me smile and dance in good ones.
Profoundly saddened and lost in tears
we have to let you go now.
Looking up to the nightly sky,
you’ll be the brightest star we see.
We will make you smile your wonderful smile,
and we will make you proud of your Lovelies,
listening to your music until the end of our days
and dancing with tears in our eyes.


Dear George,
Ti sentii per la prima volta nel 1982, una stazione radio di Roma trasmetteva questo pezzo " Blue " fu subito Amore.
All'epoca non c'era internet che con un click ti permette di avere tutte le informazioni che cerchi, il mio internet era la radio.
Passavo ore intere a cercare di trovare quella canzone e quell'Artista che al primo ascolto mi fece innamorare.
Poi un giorno il migliore Amico ( appassionato di musica ) mi invitò a casa per ascoltare un LP che aveva da poco comperato, di un gruppo inglese emergente.
FANTASTIC riconobbi la voce in un batter d’occhio, la canzone in questione era “ Nothing Looks the Same In the Light “… dissi al mio amico è lui proprio lui.
Da quel giorno ti seguii in tutto silenziosamente fino a quando usci in Italia il tuo “ Last Christmas “ che feci ascoltare alla mia amata Mamma con il quale condividevo
molte canzoni.
Il resto è semplice da capire, spero davvero che ora nell’infinito cielo sia stato accolto a braccia aperte dai tuoi “ Cowboys & Angels “ e che il “ Blue “ sia il tuo letto
della serenità.
Grazie di tutto Amico mio, starai sempre nel mio cuore,
RIP in Pace
You have been loved ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My lovelie George,
Je ne trouve pas les mots ... l'annonce de ton départ Oh mon dieu ... mon cœur
et tout mon être te pleure
Tu es entré dans ma vie il y a 33 ans, je n'étais alors qu'une adolescente, mais
j'ai grandi et muri et je t'ai toujours gardé à mes côtés
Quel bonheur d'entendre une nouvelle chanson et un nouvel album, aller à tes
concerts ...
Ta voix me transporte, je ne peux pas définir quel sentiment elle me procure
Toi, ton être tout entier ... oh George tu vas me manquer !
Je ne peux penser à toi sans une larme dans les yeux
Tu es et restera toujours dans mon cœur
Forever and always George


George Michael, his music, honesty and loving heart has been a light in my life every since I first heard his voice. Your presence will be felt for years to come.
your #1 Chicago fan!


Des larmes ont coulé et ma journée a été très perturbée, j’éprouve une grande tristesse.
Certains diront, ce n’est qu’un chanteur, mais ses chansons m’accompagnent depuis ses débuts.
Les deux concerts auxquels, j’ai eu la chance d’assister, restent des purs moments de bonheur.
Je n’ai jamais eu la chance de le rencontrer, mais c’est comme si nous nous connaissions depuis toujours.
Un tel artiste ne peut disparaître, sa voix, son sourire ne me quitteront jamais.
Laissons de côté tous ces potins qui ne nous apportent rien.
Salut L’Artiste.


I am devastated and heartbroken. Words can not express my sorrow. You are a true icon and loved by so many around the world. Bless your soul. You will live on forever in your music and you will never be forgotten. Thank you for gracing us with your talent. Sing with the angels beautiful Yog, sing with the angels. #RIP BEAUTIFUL ONE


Concernant notre George Michael. Il me manque terriblement.... Snif!
J'ai du mal a écrire les larmes ne cessent de couler le long de mes joues...snif!
George Michael a été pour moi une inspiration tout le long de ma vie....
J'ai écouté son premier titre à la radio local en Belgique à l'âge de 10 ans et depuis je ne l'ai plus quitté.... J'en ai 46 maintenant oui le temps passe trop vite....
J'ai rencontré George deux fois dans ma vie.... J'ai été très heureux de pouvoir concrétisé un rêve de gosse, pouvoir lui serrer la main.
Il y comme ça des rencontres dans la vie qui change un homme.
Sache que je pense qu'il avait encore des choses à dire.... Mais je sais aussi que George souffrait parfois de ses choix.... Accepter qu'il parte si brutalement... Je m'y refuse!!!!
Il nous laisse..... tout son art..... Quel grand homme !!!!! Qui a écrit carreless whisper alors qu'il n'avait que 17 ans.
C'est clair.... A partir de maintenant nous les fans....Quand nous allons écouter, une chanson de George, se sera probablement les larmes aux yeux.... Snif !!!
Je te souhaite ainsi qu'aux fans beaucoup de courage.....


A wonderful artist who's music will continue to live on like the other greats like Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley.


Dear George,
I have loved you since I was 4 years old, when, in a household where the television was always tuned to MTV, I would stop whatever I was doing to dance and sing along whenever the ''Faith'' music video came on. You, along with Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson, were and will always be my original and greatest heroes and idols. Hearing your beautiful, powerful voice has always triggered deep emotions within me, as I know it has countless fans all over the world. We will miss that voice terribly, but we offer our endless, most heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you for all of the music and inspiration. You will always be alive to those of us who will love you til the end of time.


George, il m'est "tombé dessus" alors je n'avais pas encore 10 ans : une révélation, une évidence !
J'ai toujours dit qu'être fan était une chance, cela ne se commande pas, on ne le choisit pas, on le vit et c'est tout. Et cela nous apporte tellement de choses...
Grâce à George j'ai vécu des moments de bonheur intense, du Faith Tour en 1988 (eh oui mes parents m'avaient exceptionnellement autorisée à sécher un après-midi de cours pour prendre le train pour Paris !! pour dire à quel point c'était déjà énorme pour moi !) au concert à l'Opéra Garnier en passant par le 25Live (la chance d’être dans le Circle of Faith au stade de France...). mais c'était aussi des petits bonheurs au quotidien, une chanson qui passe à la radio et qui vous reste dans la tête tout au long de la journée...
Et que dire de l 'attente d'un nouvel album et de l'excitation de découvrir de nouveaux morceaux !!!
J'ai été une petite fille avec Wham!, une ado avec Faith; je suis devenue une adulte avec Older et une mère avec Patience. J'espérais juste pouvoir devenir un jour une grand-mère avec d'autres nouvelles chansons...
Thank you, thank you for all George; you're a part of my life.
I'll miss your voice, I'll miss your smile....I will miss YOU.


George tu manques et tu manqueras à jamais,
j'ai eu le grand bonheur de te voir 3 fois au stade de France, à Bercy et à l'opéra Garnier, je garderai ces souvenirs toute ma vie, j'y ai même emmené mes 2 filles.
j'ai 58 ans et je te suis depuis le début;
Love you


I am sadden and broken-hearted that you had to leave this world so soon. I am being a bit selfish, I know, because I wished you were still here with us. You must have been sent to give us joy and enlightenment....You accomplished that and more. Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful and meaningful music. There will be no one like you, ever!
May the Lord hold you in his arms and promptly reunite you with your loved ones in Heaven. You have been loved unconditionally by your Lovelies! God bless you! May you sing loudly in paradise!


Je n'arrive pas à me résoudre au fait qu'il ne sera plus là, une partie de moi est partie tellement de souvenirs depuis l'âge de 11 ans j'en ai 45 tellement de choses partager il a été mon premier concert mes premiers magasines mon premier voyage à Londres pour lui ma première robe de soirée à l'opéra garnier un très grand monsieur un artiste hors du commun rempli de générosité sa voix son sourire son regard ......
Je suis tellement triste mais je crois que finalement après tant.de.souffrances il est parti paisiblement enfin je l'espère !!!!
Je vais à Londres pour rendre un dernier hommage à mon idole qui est parti rejoindre les anges mon étoile gravée à jamais dans mon ❤merci Mr George


Je suis trés ému et trés triste d'apprendre son décès!! j'ai grandi avec ses chansons (WHAM) et quand il était en solo. Mes fils ont grandi avec ses chansons alors qu'ils étaient encore dans mon ventre , j'ai eu l'occasion de le voir sur scéne à Bercy ainsi qu'au Stade de France. C'était un chanteur hors du commun , il était unique et merveilleux.
Nous avons perdu une personne chère et unique !! quand je lis tous ce que l'on écrit sur lui depuis son décès , cela me blesse car les absents ont toujours tort, mais la méchanceté franchement des gens me dégoutent !! Aprés tout George Michael n'a rien demandé à personne ,et il n'a pas demandé de partir si tôt.
Mais maintenant, il nous laisse un grand vide dans notre coeur!!
Il est parti rejoindre sa maman et son mari.
La vie est faite d'injustice !! mais seul, Dieu est le maître du destin.
Maintenant, je n'ai qu'une hâte c'est d'écouter son dernier album et de regarder son documentaire quand il sortira.
La cicatrice restera toujours ouverte à jamais malheureusement, car nous ne sommes pas des supers héros et nous ne possédons pas de cape rouge pour lutter contre notre destin.


George Michael a vraiment marqué les années 1980 avec sa musique.
Tu resteras à jamais dans mon coeur. Ton sourire, ta voix, ton amour que tu nous a donné en chantant, ton grand coeur.... je t'aimerais jusqu'a mon dernier souffle.
Avec tout mon amour ❤️


Dear George,
When I heard the news I couldn't believe it. I knew things were happening in 2017 and really thought 2017 would be your year. Since I heard the news I haven't stopped crying and my heart feels heavy. I first fell in love with you at Primary School during the Wham years. I have brought every album since then. I never got the chance to meet you but I did see you live just once in Norwich. I loved your voice. It sent shivers down my spine. You could sing anything and I would listen. I can't believe you're not here anymore and that there will be no more music. I will never forget you or stop listening to the beautiful music you left us. Love you forever George. x


Les larmes coulent quand j'écris ces lignes quelle immense tristesse je ressens quel immense vide il va laisser. Il m'a tant apporté , il m'a tant donné, je l'aimais comme un ami, pour moi il a été même un bienfaiteur....et depuis ce merveilleux jour, le 16 juin 2010 où je l'ai rencontré, mon affection pour lui n'a fait que grandir, tant de gentillesse de sa part, de délicatesse, de douceur n'ont fait que conforter ce que j'imaginais de lui, George était et est une belle ,très belle personne


George Michael will be truly be missed by each and everyone one of your lovelies world wide...George Michael will always be in our hearts and your music will last forever and always....Thank you for everything you have done for all of us all of your lovelies...Rest in peace our singing Greek and our singing Angel...RIP GEORGE MICHAEL.........Love


32 years... That's about how long I have been a devoted & die hard fan of this amazingly talented, wonderful, beautiful, kind & caring man we know as George Michael... I can never thank him enough for the great words he put both on paper and to music and that he has sung with his angelic voice for us for so many years... Greatly missed, leaving behind so many devastated and heartbroken... This man we love, he has been loved for sure... The only thoughts that make all of this bearable is knowing he is with his beloved Mum and Anselmo... Rest in peace sweet Yog... Forever Loved, Always Remembered & Never Forgotten


I have no words left to say how much I miss him I was fan from day one and can not believe he is gone. He was a wonderful man with such a beautiful voice I hope we meet again in heaven. Love you George rest in peace💔💔💔💔


Forever my number one.
Rust in Vrede lieve George.


RIP George,
Your love & kindness touched a million hearts and more.You wrote your songs from the heart and in my eyes that made you the best,
Sadly missed


George"the best to love"
C'est ce qui est écrit sur mon autographe suite a une photo du papa George que j avais fait lors de mon voyage de fans.💖
Et que j ai envoyé au restaurant et on m'a gentiment renvoyé ma photo signée.
Merci George pour tout le bonheur que tu nous a donné et celui qui en suivra car je suis persuadée que dans ce malheur qui a frappé tous tes fans,tu as certainement programmé une chose qui apaisera notre douleur.
On t'aime George notre grec préféré jamais on t'oubliera George a jamais gravé dans nos coeurs
Promis nous fans nous honorerons ta mémoire .
Merci aux fans sur les blogs pour leur communion ,nous sommes unis et ce ciment qui nous lient ensemble c'est pour la vie.


I'm deeply sad today. For 33 years, I've been living with the music of George Michael. I saw him in a concert once in Antwerp. A great singer, great musician, and extraordinary talent that gave me so much good time, and a wonderful voice. Thank you for that, George.
Rest in peace.


Tu nous as fait aimer et rêver la vie,
Adieu George


Merci mon ange tu as été là lors de mes plus pires instants c'est toi à qui je rêvais de venir me chercher dans mon enfer ....et tu as été la lors de mes plus beaux moments tu étais un membre a part entière de ma famille
Lorsque tu étais heureux je l'étais avec toi lorsque les gens t'ont démoli j'étais un de tes nombreux soutiens j'aurais tant aimé que tu saches combien de personnes te soutenaient
Georgious aujourd'hui mon cœur mon âme pleure, saigne ton départ je n arriverais jamais a te dire au revoir tellement ton absence me brise le cœur
Sois en paix mon ami mon frère et merci d avoir été la pour moi même si ce n est pas physiquement tu ne t'imagines même pas a quel point je te suis reconnaissante de ton amour pour nous
Je veux que tu sois heureux et fier de nous
Retrouve tes deux amours et sois paisible mon ami
Je ne t'oublierais jamais
C'est dur je t'aime tellement je ne peux m'empêcher d'être malheureuse
Je taime pour la vie mon ami


I will never be able to put in words, written or spoken, exactly what this man has meant to me for 33 years and what he will always mean to me.
Guess, I should thank my older sister who when I was eleven, hung a picture of him in our room. It was from the Club Tropicana video, with him wearing a straw hat with this huge smile on his face. And I went "Who's that guy?"
And that was it!
I fell in love with that smile, there and then! Every time I looked at that picture I couldn't help smile back!
Then I heard his voice and I fell even more in love with him!
That voice, that was able to give me this shiver down my spine,
Every. Single. Time. I heard it.
No matter how many years have passed, it still does.
His voice always leaves me in awe. How incredibly perfect it is. How good it makes me feel.
And his talent. Something else that's impossible to find the right words to praise it as it merits. At least for me it's impossible.
And the man. This wonderful, beautiful human being, his intelligence, his frailties, his loyalty, his sweetness, his strength in fighting for what he believed in, his delightful sense of humor, his good, good heart.
And I realize as I'm writing that I'm doing it in present tense, cause it is all still so surreal for me. My soul knows he's gone. My heart is so heavy because I know he's gone....and yet...still...
Just as I thought, I wasn't able to even start to express the love in my heart, and just how important and what this man will always be for me. What having him in my life has meant to me. I just don't know how.
I love you George. Love of my life.
Now. Always and Forever.


Quel choc ,quelle tristesse d'apprendre la mort de George Michael. Je n'arrive pas à y croire !! On a perdu un très grand artiste un jour de Noël. c'est vraiment injuste !! J'espère que son nouvel album verra le jour tout de même ainsi que le document "freedom".
Mes sincères condoléances. Courage pour tout ses nombreux fans.


Comme vous tous je suis sous le choc, mais en même temps je ressens le besoin de laisser un mot ici, même si je ne sais pas quoi dire.
Mes larmes ont coulé pour la première fois depuis la funeste nouvelle en lisant ici ces trois mots: "au revoir George". Comme si j'avais réalisé d'un seul coup ce que mon cœur ne voulait pas admettre.
Je veux croire que ce n'est qu'un au revoir en effet, et surtout, surtout, je veux croire qu'il entend et ressent d'une façon ou d'une autre tout l'amour que nous lui portons.
Je crois qu'il savait qu'il était réellement aimé et soutenu par les fans comme nous ici, ce n'était pas pour rien qu'il nous appelait ses Lovelies.
Quel homme formidable et quel artiste, débordant de générosité, de talent, d'intelligence, d'humour...
Son talent immense ne sera jamais oublié, c'est la grande force des grands artistes, George sera toujours parmi nous et les générations futures le connaîtront aussi; il ne sera jamais vraiment parti car il laisse au monde les merveilles qu'il a créées, et à tout jamais la possibilité d'entendre encore et encore la beauté et la douceur de son incomparable voix.


Mon amour pour George, oui, je crois qu'on peut parler d'amour, je l'ai toujours vécu de façon solitaire et égoïste, surtout ces dernières années quand on me demandait souvent pourquoi je l'écoutais toujours. Pourquoi? Parce que ce fut une évidence depuis le début. Ce n’est pas un amour de papier glacé, il ne m’a pas empêché de construire ma vie, je n’ai pas vécu par procuration…mais il fait partie de ma jeunesse sclérosée par la peur du VIH, il m’a accompagné dans ma vie de jeune adulte, puis d’homme… Et quand ces dernières années sont apparus des soucis de santé importants, je me disais, quand le coeur n’y était plus, qu’il fallait que je me batte, comme lui, même si le combat que nous avions à mener n’était pas le même… qu’il y a toujours un possible et un renouveau envisageable.
Sa voix chaude et solaire m’a souvent accompagné dans mes nuits de douleurs… Aujourd’hui, je me sens abandonné, on peut penser que c’est stupide, mais c’est pourtant ainsi que je vis cet évènement tragique. La perte d’un compagnon d’arme…et pourtant grâce à toi, c’est seulement aujourd’hui que je m’ouvre à mes semblables de la sorte… Je n’ai pas pu venir à Garnier, pas la force physique d’être là… si tu savais comme mes regrets sont immenses, j’aurais dû entreprendre ce voyage, quoiqu’il en coûte, pour me réchauffer à ton sourire. Aujourd’hui, j’ai besoin de regarder des photos, je t’ai toujours trouvé tellement beau, cette beauté insolente de ta jeunesse, cette beauté classieuse de tes jours plus vieux et ce ne sont pas quelques paparazades de ces derniers jours qui me feront changer d’avis.
On nait beau, ou on ne l’est pas… J’ai aimé tes luttes intestines, tes combats, parce que c’est ça la vie… Une vie ne doit pas être tiède. J’aurais voulu un jour croiser ton regard, je n’ai toujours été qu’un point dans une foule aimante. Tes chansons ont été un bras sur mon épaule, une main sur ma joue, un souffle dans mon cou.
Quand j’ai eu envie de lâcher, c’est toi qui m’insufflais un souffle d’espoir, quand les proches ne savent plus quoi vous dire pour vous remettre en selle. Aujourd’hui, je ne veux pas que ce soit différent, parce que sans toi, j’ai peur de ne pas avoir la force de continuer la bataille. Je t’aime Yog, ne l’oublie jamais… Je ne crois pas en Dieu, mais pour toi, il me plait de penser qu’il existe, pour que je puisse un jour te dire combien je me sens redevable. Alors, je ne te dis pas au revoir Yog…parce que ce n’est pas possible que les choses se passent ainsi.


Comment expliquer qu'il est difficile, pour nous ces fans, d'accepter sa disparition? C'est si brutal que personne ne l'a cru... Même si depuis deux ans je suis loin des réseaux sociaux , loin des forums et autres blogs, mais jamais loin de George Michael. Aujourd'hui je pense à nous ces fans, à toi Frédérique, à Stéphane et à tous ceux que j'ai aimé côtoyer pendant cette belle période.
George est parti et la nouvelle m'est impossible à digérer. Impossible pour moi de ne pas écouter en boucle ses albums pour essayer de me convaincre que tout ceci est une farce, et qu'il est encore là.
Je dois désormais vivre sans mon idole, sans savoir que j'écoutais Last Chrismas pour la dernière fois de son vivant cette année...


Je garderai aussi l'image de George toute ma vie et heureusement qu'il nous reste tous nos souvenirs. Sa musique bien sûr, ses concerts auxquels j'ai eu la chance d'assister plusieurs fois et le souvenir de l'homme qu'il était.
Je suis comme toi, je pense que de là-haut, il doit sourire...
Et s'il était là, il nous dirait "don't cry my lovelies, i'll always be there..." alors, je vais sécher mes larmes et sourire aussi parce-que oui, il sera toujours là...


Avec sa disparition, toute une partie de mon adolescence est partie avec lui.
Dès que j'ai découvert sur les ondes "Wake me up before you gogo", il a été ma première idole, mes premiers posters, mon envie de porter des boucles d'oreilles, d'avoir son look, les premières chansons en anglais que j'ai chanté dans ma chambre à en faire trembler les murs.
Il avait encore beaucoup à nous donner, tous ses projets en court en témoignent.
Malheureusement il n'était pas immortel mais toute son oeuvre restera éternelle.
George est parti mais je continuerai d'écouter encore et encore toutes ses chansons.


Quelle tristesse... quelque chose en moi est arraché et pourtant il est tellement présent mais au passé.
Last Christmas va désormais résonner autrement... plus jamais la même symbolique... plus jamais.
Au Revoir Georges, va rejoindre les étoiles car de toute façon tu en es une depuis toujours... veille sur nous, souris, chante encore et encore, en tout cas nous ne nous lasserons jamais de toi...


J'étais en voiture pour aller travailler quand j'ai appris par RFM cette terrible nouvelle ce lundi;
Ces mots qui résonnent sans fin "hommage a george michael décédé " je ne pouvais pas croire que c'était vrai, depuis mon cœur s'est brisé en mille morceaux et je pleure comme tous les lovelies.
George tu as fait partie de ma vie depuis mes douze ans ta voix et ta musique m'ont aider quand j'ai perdu mon père et ma soeur j'ai eu la chance de le voir 1 fois en concert a Amneville il y a 10 maintenant .
George était pour moi la voix la plus magique et la plus envoutante et que dire de son sourire comme j'ai toujours été dans la lune je m'imaginais être avec lui il a été mon amant imaginaire pendant 30 ans bien que je sois mariée aujourd'hui c'est dur de lui dire au revoir et je dois dire aussi adieu a mes rêveries aujourd'hui je pleure mais je sais qu'il est en paix auprès de sa mère et de son amour mais dieu que c'est dur même si on se doutait tous qu'il allait partir plus jeune qu'il ne l'aurait fallu .
George je t'aimerai toute ma vie qui me reste et j'espère te revoir là-haut . merci Fréderique de nous permettre de nous exprimer cela fait du bien malgré tout.Nathalie


Merci a vous toutes et tous pour honorer la mémoire de notre idole quand j'ai appris le décès je ne voulais pas y croire j'étais dévastée je n'arrive pas a réaliser qu'il ne soit plus là.
C'est terrible depuis ses débuts je suis fan, il faisait partie de ma vie un immense artiste une voix un charisme une élégance la classe et très beau je vais continuer a lui rendre hommage a ma façon écouter sa voix le regarder chanter et avoir une immense pense pour lui il m'a bouleversé a travers ses mélodies sa présence un grand homme jamais je ne l'oublierais .


J'ai le cœur brisé et je suis en deuil. Le trois quart de ma vie vient de s'envoler en une seule phrase. George Michael est mort. Mon Dieu que c'est dur de l'écrire... j'appréhendais ce moment. Je me doutais qu'il ne vivrait pas vieux. Il était si tourmenté. Je me disais George arrêtes tes bêtises... et reprends le chemin de la sérénité.
Et je pense qu'avec white light où il a faillit mourir d'une pneumonie il remercie d'être "alive". Ça aussi j'ai du mal à écouter cette chanson quand il dit "I'm alive"... Serrons nous les coudes. J'aimerai avoir des nouvelles de ses obsèques car en tant que sincère fan, j'aimerai y aller. Bien à vous tous. ❤️


C'est tellement dur de parler de lui au passé maintenant ! nous sommes si tristes nous ses lovelies c'est tellement cruel.
J'ai encore du mal a imaginer qu'il ne chantera plus ...j ai énormément de mal a l' écouter aujourd'hui je n y arrive pas. depuis lundi je pleure je suis tellement triste .
Sois heureux là haut George avec les gens que tu aimes.
Nous sur cette terre nous prierons et t'écouterons jusqu'à la fin de notre vie.
Je t'aime George et je t'aimerai toujours


Ca ne pouvait pas se terminer autrement , je savais qu'il ne vieillirait pas, je n'ai pas été surpris , ( contrairement à PRINCE ), c'était juste une question de temps, c'est dommage , j'étais là au tout début , je sais tout de lui, j'aurais du aller le voir lors de son passage en France fin des années 80 , depuis je le suivais régulièrement , il avait tout pour lui ,il n'était pas une star mais un artiste , c'est différent , des concerts partout dans le monde , ou en studio , un talent fou , c'est vraiment dommage


J'ai encore de la peine à y croire et j'éprouve une grande tristesse. La musique de George m'accompagne depuis mon adolescence. Que du bonheur depuis le début !
J'ai eu l'occasion d'assister à deux de ses concerts à Zurich, c'était magique.
Au revoir George et merci infiniment pour tout ce que tu nous as donné, un véritable cadeau tout au long de ces années. Merci pour ta voix, ta sensibilité.
Tu seras toujours dans mon cœur.


Pas une année, pas un grand moment de notre vie, n'a son écho dans une chanson de Yog. Des vacances de jeunes ados, notre rencontre, notre mariage...Tout cela trouve un "double" avec une chanson de George. Dieu l'a repris, il fait vibrer le paradis avec Elvis, John, David et Michael...Nous on est lá, KO debout...


J'écoutais GM presque tous les jours, mais depuis son décès j'arrive plus, la moindre écoute me fait pleurer, quel cauchemar, j'aimerais me réveiller et croire que c'était juste un cauchemar, et comme il le dit dans 'you have been loved ' :
'It's a cruel world
We've so much to lose
And what we have to learn, we rarely choose'


Bonjour a tous ,il est 05H50 et ce matin je vais aller travailler .
J' ai appris la nouvelle lundi matin en me réveillant car plein de message sur mon portable mes amis essayent de me prévenir. Le choc j'en pleure encore ce matin je n'arrive pas a y croire encore ;il a bercé toute mon adolescence et là pour les bons et mauvais moments .ma vie a été accompagnée tout le temps avec sa musique, en 1982 j'avais commencé a faire un album et documents sur George et wham et en parlant avec ma femme hier je lui ai dit que j'allais pouvoir le fermer à tout jamais car depuis toutes ces années je continuais a l'approvisionner. C'est peut être bête mais je suis un peu perdu je sais qu'il y a des choses plus graves mais je crois que quelque chose a changé dans ma vie depuis la mauvaise nouvelle.
Il va y avoir un manque bon courage à tous.


Je suis bouleversé par le décès de George. C'est un grand homme qui s'en va avec ses belles musiques, qui font partie de notre histoire d'amour avec mon mari. Nous avons cette chance de l'avoir vu ensemble sur scène et en gardons des moments inoubliables.
Nous ne cesserons jamais d'écouter sa musique malgré sa perte.
Merci à lui et qu'il repose en paix avec les anges


Merci George.
Merci pour ton soutien dans mes périodes difficiles.
Merci pour m'avoir tant fait rêver.
Merci pour ta présence dans mes moments de solitude.
Merci pour l'énergie donnée.
Un grand MERCI pour tout ce bonheur.
Pour les autres tu es mort, pour moi tu vis en moi jusqu'à ma mort.
Je t'aime.


C'est infiniment dur d'assumer la réalité, ne peux pas parler de lui au passé... Durant les derniers 4 jours j'espérais découvrir que cette terrible nouvelle a été fausse et que George nous reviendrait par miracle... Bien que je priais souvent pour lui, suis vraiment désolée de ne pas avoir prié assez... lourde perte!
Si douloureux, ne peux pas encore écouter ses chansons, le cœur se serre, les larmes coulent sans cesse... cherchant une consolation.
Je voudrais exprimer et répéter de nouveaux mon plus profond respect pour sa personnalité généreuse, pour son talent divine et sa riche et belle musique, admiration pour sa voix merveilleuse et tant familière, une voix qui exprimait absolument la pureté de son cœur et la grandeur de son âme.
Je remercie Dieu pour George, pour sa music et pour les merveilleux moments et occasions que j'ai eu, de l'avoir vu sur scène et l'entendre au réel... seul mot qui revient pour lui c'est de l'Amour.
J'espère fort qu'il a été accepté avec amour et la paix de Dieu et qu'il a sa place au paradis et il chantera dans l'éternité puisque c'était sa vocation et le don des Cieux.
Love you George! Thank you for all y gave!
You have been so blessed and loved!


Il était le seul artiste que j'ai suivi, adoré, admiré depuis presque 30 ans. Il me touchait tout particulièrement. Je l'ai vu 2 fois en concert et j'ai ressenti sa sensibilité, sa gentillesse, sa bienveillance.
Je me rends compte aujourd'hui à quel point il faisait partie de ma vie. J'ai vraiment l'impression d'avoir perdu un être cher, je pleure, je ressens un immense vide... Il me manquera toujours!


George est entré dans ma vie en plein dans mon adolescence, époque Wham !, et est véritablement rentré dans mon ADN avec la chanson « Careless Whispers ».
Tout le George Michael était déjà présent dans cette chanson : mélodie, choix des instruments de musique, paroles, voix parfaite, un travail d’orfèvre et plus encore…des intonations qui vous déchirent, avec souvent ce petit passage dans ses chansons où sa voix s’emballe comme pour exprimer une révolte, un regard parfois sombre avec une moue boudeuse ou révoltée qui vous poursuivent toute une vie…
Depuis il ne me quittait jamais.
George Michael était bien davantage ce chanteur pop sucré comme trop souvent il a été présenté. Interprète, musicien, compositeur avec une voix unique, c’était un génie qui en l’écoutant et en le voyant savait nous faire toucher du doigt nos rêves, nos idéaux, le goût de l’absolu, l’amour.
Merci George d’avoir accompagné ma vie


George : "You have been loved",ET tous tes fans continuerons de t'aimer et de t'écouter. Comme une consolation. Nous prions pour que ton âme rejoigne les cieux en paix et plein d'amour.
Merci pour ce magnifique répertoire, pour cette voix unique, ce talent. Tu nous manques déjà tellement...


Je suis fan de la première heure à l'époque je faisais même partie du fan club anglais. Ma chambre était tapissée de ses photos même mes draps c'était WHAM. Les années ont passé et rien n'a changé je l'aime toujours autant, j'éprouve énormément de tristesse je n'arrive toujours pas à y croire lui qui a bercé toute ma jeunesse de ses chansons et de cette voix exceptionnelle. J'ai eu l'immense privilège d'aller le voir trois fois... qu'il était beau et quelle classe.
Tu me manques et tu même manqueras toujours. Repose en paix je t'aime George.


Merci George Michael pour tous ces succès et ces chansons qui m'ont accompagnée depuis mon adolescence..... Je garderai l'image du concert du stade de France en septembre 2009..... Je pensais te revoir en concert bientôt.....
Mais tu es aujourd'hui une étoile qui a rejoins les cieux et resteras une star sur terre pour moi et beaucoup d'autres grâce à ta voix si saoul and loving .....
Rest in Peace and have nice dreams with your boyfriend and your mum.......love


J'ai été très peiné en apprenant le décès de George Michael, il a tellement apporté à la musique avec ses mélodies.
Il a bien mérité de se reposer maintenant, il pourra surement composer ailleurs encore...je pense.


oui j'ai été particulièrement choqué , avoir même des frissons qui ne me séparaient pas , une fièvre fissurant mon âme . je n'avais plus les mots , plus les mouvements de la vie . oui il était exceptionnel , talentueux , et personne d'autre ne peut le mesurer . Un charisme..............


George mon étoile 🌟 à jamais,
Jamais je n'aurais imaginée écrire ces lignes, tout dû moins vivre ce moment irréel, tu es mon épaule, mon ange, mon idéal, mon beau GEORGE, comment faire sans toi, ta musique, ta voix de velours, ton sourire, ton génie, tu es le virtuose de la musique, mon Mozart qui a écrit la symphonie de ma vie. George tu m'a écris la bande sonore de ma vie, comme à tout tes fans.
Je t'ai aimée à jamais à partir de one more try, à l'âge de mes 13 ans, le single n'était pas encore sorti, mais le clip passait en boucle en France, notre idylle musical avait commencé, à ce moment tu as été là pour panser le perte de mon père à l'âge de mes 11 ans, ton épaule musical a été la plus précieuse et tu as été le seul à me réconforter du manque de mon papa, mais si à cette âge on a l'insouciance des valeurs du Cœur, George tu as été ces valeurs, toute mon adolescence a été avec toi, avec le poste radio cassette dehors en écoutant l'album Faith avec mon meilleur copain. Ma chambre, on ne voyait plus la couleur du papier le moindre cm était pour un poster de la plus petite image au poster grandeur réel, ma première grande négociation, mais pour toi George je fais et ferais n'importe quoi, ensuite à mes 21 ans tu m'as sauver la vie, avec mon doudou (la prunelle de mes yeux, mon petit caniche )et je pèse mes mots en disant ça, mais il y a que toi George et mon doudou qui êtes au courant, presque huit ans à m'en remettre, grâce à vous deux, ça a pu être surmontable, durant cette période tu as sorti listen without préjudice et ensuite ton chef d'œuvre Older, période tellement semblable pour toi George et moi. À mes 31 ans la perte de mon doudou qui était tout pour moi et encore une fois tu as été mon ange George, car là cette blessure ne se fermera à jamais et puis le 22 juin 2007, je te vois pour la première fois au stade de France, mon rêve se réalise enfin, mon idol est magnifique, beau, grandiose, magistral, ironie du sort mon père est né ce même jour, es ce un signe? Pour le concert les 25 Live, suivi de Symphonica le 03 octobre 2011 moment grandiose, bercy en feu, je crois même que j'ai dûe rendre la personne à côté de moi à moitié sourde, à chanter, siffler et crier avec tout bercy, mais George tu es un show man entre toi et nous ont ne fait qu'un, et puis le must le 09 septembre 2012 l'opéra garnier, lors de l'ouverture pour acheter la place pendant 1 heure j'ai fais du non stop au n °de l'opéra garnier et enfin j'ai obtenue mon Sésame en strapontin au 8 ieme rang, jamais je n'aurais espérer mieux, le dimanche je ne tenais plus en place avant de partir te voir pour la 3 ieme fois, j'ai même retarder mon départ en vacance qui était payer, mais pour toi George je ferais n'importe quoi, et en aucun cas ça a été un sacrifice, car pour moi le sacrifice aurait été de ne pas venir te voir, jamais je n'oublierais ce moment magique, je t'ai raté à 5 min près lors de ton arriver à l'opéra, mais le concert mémorable, je te voyais de si près, mais à ce moment jamais j'aurais pensé que je te voyais pour la dernière fois.
GEORGE je te pleure depuis cette terrible nouvelle le lundi 26 décembre à 5 heure du matin, impossible d'y croire, le choc immense pas mon George, mon étoile George 🌟est auprès de sa maman adoré et de son amour des années 90, ici on te pleure tous, tout tes fans t'aime tellement nous sommes orphelins, le monde entier te pleure, George une partie de mon cœur est partie avec toi, tu es unique, une très belle personne, généreux, un génie de la musique, pour moi la musique est morte le 25 décembre 2016, Noël pour moi sera un jour de tristesse à présent, tu vas me manquer horriblement George, tu as été toutes mes joies dans ma vie, j'ai eue deux magnifiques cadeaux qui m'ont toujours été fidèle c'est toi GEORGE et mon DOUDOU, RIP MON BEAU GEORGE, tu seras toujours dans mon COEUR, je t'aime tellement, fans pour toujours de mon ÉTOILE GEORGE🌟, Merci George pour tout ces merveilleux moments et de toutes ces années passées avec toi, pour la personne que tu était, respectueux de tes fans.
J'espère qu'un jour tes fans en France organiseront quelque chose pour venir te voir, j'aimerais tant.


On se rends compte maintenant a quel point il est aimé notre George , j'ai l'impression que sa mort a secouée le monde entier comme c'était le cas pour MJ., George a toujours su rebondir après ses problèmes mais pas cette fois ci, c'est qu'il devait vraiment être mal..cela fait 4 ans que george était absent des radars mais il était en vie, aujourdhui il est devenu éternel par son âme mais mort physiquement.. je crois en l'au delà et à la vie après ce qui me console aussi , mais quand même il y a un manque et nos petits plaisirs matériels ici bas nous font plus de mal que de bien...C'est dur quand même, j'ai regardé le documentaire ce soir qui pour moi était baclé , il aurait mieux fallu attendre un peu et en faire un plus complet ...il va nous en falloir du courage, car pour moi j'ai perdu un proche, c'est une partie de moi même que j'ai perdu, des moments clés de ma vie à travers sa musique, et tout ce qui rattache autour.. Mon rituel de tous les soirs, jours de visiter les blogs , d'écouter avec un casque ses chansons va changer... j'ai trop de mal à écouter sa musique pour l'instant ,il me faudra du temps pour réécouter ses songs, je vous souhaite à tous courage et de vivre au mieux ce deuil. La vie continue avec ses hauts et ses bas... Dans notre malheur, nous sommes les plus heureux qui avons la chance d'avoir connu GM et sa musique..


Je ne vais pas dire grand chose car les mots sont bloqués dans ma bouche tellement je suis triste.
Il était magique, une voix en or, malheureusement je ne l'ai jamais vu en concert car l'année ou il devais venir dans la région j'avais les billets mais le concert à était annulé.
Tu nous manquera à tout jamais.


Contrairement à certains j'ai besoin d'écouter ses chansons encore et encore, comme pour conjurer le sort. Je pleure en écoutant Jesus to a child ou encore where I hope you are. Il nous restera de lui ses magnifiques chansons mais également le souvenir d'une belle personne, généreuse, attachante et c'est je pense ce qui faisait sa particularité. Et c'est aussi pour cela qu'on aime George Michael. C'est le coeur gros que je continuerai à l'écouter chaque fois que je monterai dans ma voiture. Sa musique me suit partout. Courage à tous. Les légendes ne meurent jamais. We love you George.


Un grand homme, un artiste de génie et une voix venue des cieux..
Je pleure depuis...une part de moi ,de mon adolescence s en est allée avec vous ..
Je vous aime depuis plusieurs décennies...je vous aimerai toujours
George Michael pour toujours


What does one say after the passing of a such loved Star, bigger than the universe itself. George was so very loved by so many of us. There is an aching in my heart of sorrow, disbelief, pain, loss, and questions. I folowed George and his music for 3 1/2 decades. My children followed his music as teens. The sound of his voice was like no other before him nor after. The sound of George's voice calmed and renewed my soul. To me he was such a beautiful person since, he was a curly haired little boy until the day he passed. I can't believe that I was so very blessed to go from America to London and share the phenomial experience of seeing and listening to George's very last concert ever, his wonderful Masterpiece of SYMPHONICA. What a night it was. His family sat 6 rows ahead of me. George appeared so happy and proud. the voice of an Angel with the Symphony Orchester. This memory is forever etched in my mind. Thank you George for the many endless songs you have given us. Your kindness, generosity, humor, dedication to what you believed in, will live on in our hearts forever. God Bless You Dear George. You Are Loved.


Dear Singing Greek,
You symbolize life. Rarely to we have people like you walk among us. When we do we know just how fortunate we are. You created this place of love already back when you must have felt you were not fully living your life. So many gentle kind people you called your Lovelies they saw in you what was real. That is as pure of a human connection we can hope to find. We never saw anything but you. If there can be human love like this then there's hope for humanity. I have to be joyous, because this kind of love is permanent, eternal, you will never be gone. Your music, your words, create a physical energy that is as real as anything we can see. Anyone who watched you sing understand what I mean. You will continue to comfort us, embrace us against the coldness of the world. I am happy for the rest of my life knowing that you understood how much we cared, how we prayed for you, we listened and we heard you, we laughed with you, cried with you, we kept you in our thoughts and wished you nothing but happiness. And I know you felt it when you were sick and it wasn't yet your time to go. All that energy you had put out into the universe came back and you lived. It was a miracle that you felt our prayers.
I hope your family and friends take comfort in knowing just how loved you truly are. I love you forever.


George, you have been a huge part of my life for 34 years. I am absolute heartbroken that you have been taken so soon, you have left a huge hole in my heart. 💔. Rest in peace xxxxxxx


J 'ai 44 ans et george à toujours fait partie de ma vie à 12 ans ma chambre était tapissée de ses posters toutes ses chansons me rapelle un événement dans ma vie .Sa voix ,son talent,sa simplicité son carisme et sa beauté ses look il M 'à souvent remonter le moral dans mes moments de solitudes. A jamais je ne t oublierais je t'aime repose en paix tu es le meilleur et le resteras pour l infini .


I can't believe we must start 2017 without George Michael. He has always been a huge part of my life. I was 12 when Wham! hit the United States. I loved it, that, every hang out I went to, played their music. I was hooked! Even when George went solo, I followed along. His music and lyrics, got me through my first broken heart. To this day, if something is going on, I can sit back and listen to his music, watch his videos, and it makes everything alright again. My father worked in the business, so I had the honor of meeting him once, and it was a day I will never forget. Such a kind, sweet, loving soul. He gave really great hugs too. He would hug you like he had known you forever. We will always and forever miss you George. We will forever keep your music, generosity, legacy and memory alive. We love you! Rest peacefully in knowing you are loved and admired and appreciated for all that you were and still are. God speed sweet spirit.


Je n'arrive toujours pas à y croire que George nous a quitté, il est irremplaçable, j'ai trop de peine je ne trouve pas les mots.


"Et dire que l'année 2017 devait être pour nous celle de tous les cadeaux : nouveaux albums, nouveau documentaire et apparemment de nouvelles dates de concert en France...
Mais au lieu de partager cette immense joie qu'aurait été son retour tant attendu, nous sommes en train de partager cette peine incommensurable que nous laisse GEORGE en étant parti bien trop tôt.
La seule consolation que j'essaie de trouver, c'est de me dire qu'il a enfin réussi à être en paix avec lui-même et surtout qu'il est parti retrouver ceux qu'il aimait plus que tout, notamment sa maman auprès de laquelle il reposera pour l'éternité ! Car malgré tout l'amour qu'il a suscité durant son trop court passage sur cette terre, il faut croire que cela n'a malheureusement pas été suffisant pour lui apporter cette sérénité qu'il recherchait désespéramment.
Égoïstement, j'aurais aimé croire que cela l'aurait aidé à surmonter son immense peine, mais aujourd'hui la cruelle réalité semble me donner affreusement tort.
GEORGE je te souhaite du plus profond de mon cœur (anéanti) d'être enfin heureux auprès de ceux que tu adorais. Sache que plus jamais la vie ne sera pareille sans toi. D'ailleurs j'ignore encore comment te survivre. C'est si dur...
C'est pour cela, Frédérique que je pense qu'il faut que tu continues ton blog (même si bien sûr la décision n'appartient qu'à toi) parce que cela sera forcément douloureux, mais je pense aussi que cela sera, a minima, salvateur pour nous tous, ses lovelies. Nous qui l'avons (et continuons) réellement de l'aimer pour ce qu'il était en tant qu'homme et artiste avec son immense talent.
GEORGE ton sourire me manque cruellement et me manqueras until the end of time.
God bless you my SWEETHEART. I LOVE YOU SO."


I have loved and listened to George Micheal since I was 13 now 48 few years now, have passed the music onto my girls. To be woke up on boxing day to the terrible news of his passing was just such a shock felt like I had lost a very dear friend with whom I grew up with, his songs all had some sort of meaning to me. I fulfilled my dream to see the great man in 2012 in Birmingham was over come with emotion when he came on stage cried so much. My world will be a different place without George Michael, but his music will live on forever. I hope his new path is a very happy one to be reunited with his love ones. RIP George Micheal heaven gained my hero 😢 ❤ 💔


Thank you George for sharing your amazing talent. You've been part of my world since 1981 can't believe your no longer here. My heart is breaking we'll never see you again or hear your new music. The world has lost a wonderful kind generous man . Rest in piece George 🌟💔


Dear George,
You have just gone for a little while because something happened and you had to. I will never say good bye to you.
I have lived in your music for many years now. Your music explains the unexplainable and holds all the answers. It is not well enough to describe you as a brilliant musician, composer and performer. My words could never do you justice.
George, you have taken me on many voyages. A three month European Summer in 2015 was initiated because of the friendships I had made on twitter with your Lovelies. My final week was spent in Paris. Here I ran George, I ran, tired, hot and exhausted to the Palais Garnier Opera House in an attempt to trace some of your footsteps for Symphonica 2012. I saw the front of the Opera House just as you did. I scurried around the Palais Garnier just to walk where you had walked. I stood on the stairs as you did, I watched the little lift you went in, I took a guided tour so I could get as close as possible to the stage that you had sung on (I even asked if I could touch the stage but I was refused). I stood three rows from the front of stage (I snuck to row two) and gazed at the ceiling, the ceiling you had seen. I wasn’t listening to the tour guide (I only paid so I could get near the stage you had sung on). I took so many photos. I was completely overwhelmed. For the following six evenings in Paris, I sat on the steps of the Palais Garnier until it was almost dark and I thought of you. You had been there, it was a place you had loved since you were a young musician, you were so proud to perform Symphonica there and, my goodness, the Symphonica music and footage is breathtaking.
I saw you only once in concert: on March 3 2010 at Etihad Stadium in Melbourne, Australia, but once has made me proud and happy. I arrived three hours too early and I screamed at you and danced for the entire show. George, I seriously couldn’t believe you were in front of me. It is even hard to believe now. Being so far away, I consider myself fortunate to have seen you this one time. You were a brilliant, stunning, amazing performer: a gentleman. Do you know Melbourne had to have extra trains that night? The whole metro system was changed for the George Michael concert. That is how much you are loved here.
I gave someone an album of photos of his beloved dog. As he turned to about page twelve, there was a photo of you on stage, performing, smiling and holding your microphone to the audience like you so often do. How this man laughed as your photo took him by surprise. Of course, I cannot leave you out of very much in my life. My friends and family: ‘know me then know my love of George Michael’.
I have too many little stories of you in my life to list on Frederique’s wonderful blog. I guess we all have. I am just trying to put something together and make sense and I am struggling and grappling.
George, musicians cannot be compared to yourself. They are not on your scale and never will be. You are uniquely gifted and your gift has, and will continue to, benefit and be loved by hundreds of thousands of people. You are a beautiful, generous, gracious, humble being. I love you forever. You are embedded in my heart. You are a part of me. God bless.
Please sing for us George. Never stop. You have just gone away for a little while.


Tu as bercé toute mon adolescence, j'ai été fan depuis le début de mes 17 ans à maintenant 50 ans, j'ai du mal à croire que tu ne sois plus là, j'ai beaucoup pleuré, tu es une partie de ma vie, je t'aime tant par ta beauté, ta générosité et ton talent, toutes ces chansons magnifiques que tu laisses en héritage, J'ai eue la chance de te voir en concert il y a 30 ans à Lyon ma ville natale.
Cher George repose en paix près de ta maman, saches que tes fans ne t'oublieront jamais, quand j'écoute tes chansons cela me fait pleurer.
Je t'aime George.


Cher George, je t'ai aimé dès que j'ai découvert ta musique. Tu as illuminé ma vie (et continueras à le faire) avec ta musique, ta voix, ton sourire. Je ne sais pas quoi te dire à part MERCI.
Je t'aime, tu es à jamais dans mon cœur.


J'avais 12 ans lorsque j'ai découvert l'Artiste qui marquera ma vie à jamais. 33 ans plus tard, je pleure mon idole, mon icône, mon ami Yog ... j'ai cru à une mauvaise blague, je dois apprendre à vivre avec. C'est plus compliqué que je ne le pensais, ton empreinte sur mon existence est plus importante que je ne l'aurais imaginé. L'artiste complet, le talent pur, la voix d'ange mais surtout l'Homme au coeur profondément bon, humble et généreux ... voilà ce que je garde en moi... nous venons de passer le cap de 2017 en te laissant en 2016... tes lovelies te gardent au fond du coeur à jamais.
For ever Lovely


My dearest beloved George.
I cannot believe that I'm writing my tribute & memorial to you. I'm so very sorry and unbearably saddened, devastated and distraught with grief for you.
You've been a massive part of my life for 33 loving and dedicated years, since I was 12 years old. Your music, words and stunning, most beautiful voice have impacted on my life everyday and supported me through the darkest hours and stages in my life, to which I will always be truely thankyou and grateful for. When I hear your stunning voice, I don't just hear the song and lyrics, I hear you breath between lyrics, your voice cuts straight through to my heart.
I have seen you on every tour you've done, even travelled abroad and my deep heart felt love, devotion, loyalty and dedication for you will never deteriorate!
I'm so glad that you've always received my cards and gifts over the years, and so happy to know that my letters touched your heart too and brought a warm comforting smile to your face. I will NEVER forget the look you gave me and the smile at the end of the Symphonica tour the last time I saw you, the way you acknowledge that you had received my letter to your dressing room, that smile will be forever etched upon my heart, thankyou.
You have been snatched from life far to soon and I will hear your voice and grieve for you everyday for the rest of my life.
I will be the one who loves you until the end of time, if you are the desert, I'll be the sea, if you ever hunger, hunger for me, whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be, for every single memory has become a part of me.
I will love you always and forever...


Depuis l'annonce de ton départ, je ressens une douleur au cœur qui est la même que l'on a lorsque l'on perd une personne que l'on aime plus que tout. George tu es rentré dans ma vie lorsque j'avais 10 ans, et j'ai grandi en écoutant tes chansons.Mon fils a été bercé avec tes musiques. Tu étais pour moi, mon idole, mon fantasme, l'homme idéal avec ta voix merveilleuse ton physique a tomber, ta sensibilité ta gentillesse ta douceur ect....J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir t'admirer à 3 concerts, dont le dernier "Symphonica" ou j'ai pu me trouver à 5m de toi qui sont pour moi des moment magiques.Mes larmes ne cessent de couler. Ton absence est dur à supporter. J'espère que maintenant là ou tu es tu as pu trouver la paix et retrouver ta chère Maman. George tu resteras toujours dans ma vie et dans mon cœur. R.I.P . Je t'aimerais jusqu'au bout. Merci Mr George Michael


George Michael, tu resteras toujours dans mes pensées et dans mon cœur. Mon idole, ma vie !


Je suis tombé amoureuse de George Michael en 1984 en écoutant "CARELESS WHISPER". J'avais accroché ses posters sur tout les murs et le plafond de ma chambre (15 ans). Il a était mon réconfort , mon antidépresseur, dans les moments difficiles de ma vie (perte de mes parents et d'une soeur) ses chansons me redonnées le courage. Pendant 32 ans j'ais suivie sa carriére, Je suis contente d'avoir été a 4 concerts, donc le concert "SYMPHONICA" j'y avais traîné ma meilleur amie et fan de GM. C'est elle qui m'a annoncé le décés de GM par sms que j'ais lu a mon réveil lundi matin. Et comme la plupart j'ai crus a un canular de très mauvais goût. Depuis je pleurs sa disparition, je suis dévastée et comme la plupart des lovelies , inconsolable .J'ais vraiment du mal a me faire a l'idée qu'il soit parti.....Tu me manque . Good bye RIP.


Je n'ai pas posté sur votre site depuis le concert de GM à Toulouse,je viens de lire votre émouvant hommage à cet immense artiste que j'adorais et que j'aimerai toujours,j'ai beaucoup pleuré,ce "départ"inattendu m'a fait l'effet d'une bombe sur mon coeur et mon âme,il me manque si cruellement,hier soir c'était le réveillon du 31 décembre,je l'ai passé seule à écouter les chansons de mon idole,je suis malgré tout,très contente et fière de l'avoir vu en concert,c'était grandiose
Adieu à l'homme qu'il était,mais sa présence artistique sera toujours là,on t'aime George Michaël


Je t'ai connu à l'âge de 14ans. Ma vie n'a pas été facile. Grâce à toi, ta voix, tes posters dans ma chambre ont illuminé ma vie. J'ai vu 3 concerts mais ça n'a pas été assez. Je ne me remets pas de ta mort, je pense toi toute la journée. Je vis à Paris mais je compte venir te faire mes adieux le jour où le noir se fermera sur toi. Je pense à ta famille, à tes amis qui doivent partage ma tristesse. La vie sans toi ne sera plus jamais la même, une partie de moi est morte aussi. Sois heureux là haut avec ta maman et Anselmo. Je viens de commander un tee-shirt avec ta photo et un porte clé, pour t'avoir toujours avec moi. Je t'aime George Michael et t'aimerai toute ma vie.


Cher George,
Mon premier voyage à Londres, il y a 32 ans, était pour toi!! Après, chaque fois que le courage manquait, tu étais là! Tu vieillissait avec nous, maintenant nous allons devoir continuer seul!
Lorsque cette grande main est venue te chercher, j'étais à Londres, Dieu quelle tristesse. J'espère que là où tu es, tu es apaisé, plus de douleurs, de souffrances, mais beaucoup d'amour et de douceur que tu méritais tant. Merci pour tout.Tu me manques terriblement, et resteras à jamais dans mon coeur!


Il y a 35 ans, j ai eu le bonheur t'entendre ta voix magique et depuis, je n'ai cessé de t'aimer, t'adorer... Ce 25 décembre 2016, une partie de ma vie est partie avec toi mon Cher George. Depuis cette terrible nouvelle, je pleure ce vide que tu as laissé. J'ai eu l'honneur d'assister à 3 concerts, quel bonheur ! Comment vais-je faire maintenant sans toi ? Tu me manques terriblement. J'espère que tu heureux là-haut auprès de ta maman et de ton ami. Je pense fort à ton père et à tes sœurs. Je leur adresse mes sincères condoléances. Je ne t'oublierai jamais Mon George. Tu resteras au chaud dans mon cœur et je te garde rien que pour moi. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH


Je remercie Dieu pour George, pour sa music et pour les merveilleux moments et occasions que j'ai eu, de l'avoir vu sur scène et l'entendre au réél... seule mot qui revient pour lui c'est de l'Amour.
J'espère fort qu'il a été accepté avec amour et la paix de Dieu et qu'il a sa place au paradis et il chantera dans l'éternité puisque c'était sa vocation et le don des Cieux.
Love you George! Thank you for all y gave!
You have been so blessed and loved!surtout tu va manqués beaucoup repose en paix


Merci George pour ce que tu m'as apporté.
Jusqu'à la fin de mes jours, je ne t'oublierais jamais.
Je t'aime pour la vie.
Mais pourquoi, pourquoi...


Contrairement à certains j'ai besoin d'écouter ses chansons encore et encore, comme pour conjurer le sort. Je pleure en écoutant Jesus to a child ou encore where I hope you are. Il nous restera de lui ses magnifiques chansons mais également le souvenir d'une belle personne, généreuse,attachante et c'est je pense ce qui faisait sa particularité. Et c'est aussi pour cela qu'on aime George Michael. C'est le coeur gros que je continuerai à l'écouter chaque fois que je monterai dans ma voiture. Sa musique me suit partout. Courage à tous.
Les légendes ne meurent jamais. We love you George.


je ne vais pas dire grand chose car les mots son bloqué dans ma bouche tellement je suis triste.
Il était magique, une voix en or, malheureusement je ne l'ai jamais vu en concert car l'année ou il devais venir dans la région j'avais les billets mais le concert à était annulé.
Tu nous manquera à tout jamais.


"If Jesus Christ is going to save us from ourselves
How come peace, love and George are dead?"
How are we supposed to get over his loss?


As you know my love you are life itself for me forever til the and of Time
I miss you more than ever ... if you are a desert
I will be the sea for you my father figure
I love you forever....


You're in my heart and soul. Thanks for the beautiful memories, the beautiful songs. Love always


Le 25 décembre à été bien triste pour moi cette année j'aurais jamais imaginé perdre George j'attendais son grand retour avec impatience j'ai encore dû mal parfois à le réaliser j'ai regardé l'hommage qui lui a ete consacré j'ai beaucoup pleuré Je suis resté devant ma tv toute la journée c'était un homme avec une voix un homme d'exception avec un grand coeur ❤️ un artiste j'ai eu la chance d'aller le voir 3 fois la dernière fût l'opéra garnier j'en garde un merveilleux souvenir Je l'ai vu de près 3 eme rang il m'a donné des émotions sa voix, son sourire ,son élégance un moment très fort il a accompagné ma vie de jeune fille il a continué dans ma vie de femme Je n'ai jamais pû me passé de lui George fait partie de ma vie et restera à jamais dans ma vie mon coeur ❤️ ❤❤


Il y a quelque chose de plus fort que la mort, c'est la présence des absents dans la mémoire des vivants, j’ai des morceaux de GEORGE dans le cœur et dans l’âme .. De lui je garde tout….


Mon idole depuis toujours, j'écoute tes chansons tous les jours et je n'ai manqué aucun de tes passages en France.
Ta voix unique me donne des frissons à chaque fois.
Mais tu n'étais pas uniquement un immense artiste, tu étais aussi une belle personne.
J'ai du mal à imaginer un monde sans toi.
Je souhaite de tout cœur que tu aies enfin trouvé la paix.
Je ne t'oublierais jamais.


Depuis 1984 tu m'as accompagnée , tu as toujours su exprimer tant d'émotions et j' ai toujours rêvé de te voir sur scène , surtout d'entendre ta voix ... En 2006 mon rêve a enfin pu se réaliser ...quel cadeau immense , c'était magique, "amazing" ! Et j'ai essayé de prolonger ce moment autant de fois que j'ai pu , 8 fois au total...A chaque fois tes concerts sont tombés à pic après des épreuves de la vie, l'espoir en la vie revenait , c'était tout simplement magique !Tu as été mon sauveur , je t'en suis infiniment reconnaissante .Aujourd’hui je suis perdue sans toi , une partie de moi même m' a été arrachée, mon coeur est brisé.La vie continue mais ne sera plus jamais la même.
Tu me manques terriblement et c'est dur d'accepter que je ne te verrai plus jamais .
Je regarderai encore et encore un moment qui est désormais encore plus précieux qu'avant , la dernière fois ou je t'ai vu , mon dernier au revoir ,tu as dit que tu reviendrais mais tu ne reviendras pas ....je t' avais fait des signes d'au revoir à n'en plus finir en espérant vraiment te revoir et t'entendre de nouveau ...c'était le 9 septembre 2012 à l' Opéra Garnier après la chanson White Light ...
Merci pour ces 8 moments magiques , précieux .
Merci de m'avoir accompagnée dans tous les moments de ma vie .
George, my saviour, you will always be in my heart ...
"You are the only one to stop my tears"
"Love as always"


Yog, je ne réalise toujours pas que tu ne sera plus là. Le jour de Noël, je parlais encore de toi avec ma maman, de ton retour et du Bonheur que j'avais surement de te revoir vite sur scène...et de découvrir ton film en mars prochain.....
Et puis c'est la douleur, les larmes, une déchirure qui fait mal ce lundi matin en me levant et en allumant la télé. Un choc violent. Un coup de couteau.
Mes enfants ne comprennent pas mon désespoir mais j'avais 11 ans quand je t'ai connu (WHAM) et de suite ce fût un amour inconditionnel, immortel.... Tu as partagé mon adolescence, ma vie de jeune femme, de maman.... 32 ans de vie <3
Je suis venue à Londres, en 1986, avec le Fan Club et j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer ton papa et ta soeur Mélanie. Une soirée exceptionnelle. Même si tu nous a fait faux bond. Je t'ai pardonné.....comme j'ai pardonné tes excès divulgués par les médias.... J'espérais juste que tu résisterai à tout ça, que tu trouverai enfin la sérénité et l'espoir.
Tu vas laisser un grand vide ☹Comment vais je avancer sans toi ? Tu as été toujours là pour me consoler quand j'étais triste ou pour me faire vibrer, me rendre heureuse en concert ou devant ma télé. Plus rien ne sera pareil. je le sais !!! Repose en paix George. Je viendrai bientôt te rendre visite c'est une évidence. Je t'aime.


Il nous a quitté le jour où je fêtais mes 50 ans.
Je suis profondément malheureux par sa disparition. Je n'ose pas parler de ma tristesse, j'ai l'impression que je suis le seul à être autant affecté dans mon entourage. Quand je suis seul et quand je me réveille la nuit je pense à Michael.
Je n'ai pas à ressortir ses albums puisqu'ils sont toujours apparents sur mon bureau.
Comment une personne dotée d'autant de qualité puisse nous quitter aussi jeune?
Je rêve parfois d'avoir une qualité surnaturelle pour pouvoir faire revivre les gens qui nous quitte sans raison.
Il restera dans ma mémoire toute ma vie.
Très affectueusement,


Juste quelques lignes pour te dire que tu es et resteras une très belle personne. J’ai 43 ans et tu as bercé mon adolescence et ma vie d’adulte, mes joies, mes peines……. Mes enfants adorent aussi tes chansons, ta musique. Tu resteras pour toujours dans nos cœurs. Repose en paix. On t’aime et on t’aimera pour toujours ❤😢


E così mi ritrovo il 27 dicembre del 2016 senza più sogni adolescenziali, senza un pensiero infantile, senza la spensieratezza dei 20 anni, io che sono cresciuta a pane e George Michael. Gli anni ’80, i miei anni, sono morti definitivamente la notte tra il 25 e il 26 dicembre quando mia cognata telefonandomi non sapeva come dirmi che su Internet scrivevano che George (sì, solo George - perché a casa mia George è solo lui) era morto. Sembra strano che una donna pianga per un cantante mai conosciuto personalmente; eppure qui piango un pezzo della mia vita che è volata via, piango la consapevolezza che non tutti i sogni sono rose e fiori, piango perché se n’è andata la parte sentimentale che è in me. Piango un uomo che con la sua musica mi ha fatto superare momenti terribili; piango una persona che, ironia della sorte, proprio con Last Christmas ha contribuito a salvare la vita ad una persona a me cara; piango un uomo che mi ha aiutato a superare la morte dell’altro mio mito: Ayrton Senna.
Che strana la mia vita.. i miei anni ’80 caratterizzati da George Michael e Ayrton Senna. Sembravano agli antipodi, invece, solo adesso capisco il sottile filo rosso che li ha uniti. Entrambi famosi e incompresi.
George famoso per le sue canzoni adolescenziali prima e impegnate dopo, genio incompreso nello star system delle case discografiche cadendo poi nella solitudine e inquietudine della sua vita privata.
Ayrton famoso campione del mondo, genio incompreso nel Cyrcus della F1 dove il suo punto di riferimento era Dio e nient’altro e per questo deriso dal mondo dell’automobilismo.
E nonostante tutto erano Immensi… Facevano beneficenza senza sbandierarlo al mondo e, come con Ayrton prima, ora con George viene fuori che essa faceva parte di lui, a cominciare dalle donazioni delle royalties di “Jesus to a child” e “Don’t let the sun go down on me” e molto altro (ne verranno fuori tante altre).
Entrambi se ne sono andati un giorno festivo, dove le persone se ne stanno generalmente con i propri affetti, dove le giornate trascorrono tra un bacio e l’altro o tra i primi tiepidi raggi di sole di primavera.. dove si cerca di non pensare ai problemi di tutti i giorni e dove…. il giorno dopo non esce il giornale e le notizie si concentrano sugli avvenimenti della giornata che scorre lentamente.
Ed è così che Ayrton se n’è andato… alla grande.. in mondovisione.. davanti agli occhi di tutti ma non davanti ai miei perché probabilmente sapeva che non avrei sopportato quanto avrei potuto vedere.
E così pure, George se n’è andato nel giorno più importante dell’anno, dove si celebra la nascita di nostro Signore.. e dove, in sottofondo, nelle radio di tutto il mondo viene trasmessa la canzone natalizia per eccellenza dagli anni ’80 ad ora, la Sua.
Chissà se era ancora in vita quando la mattina di Natale la cantavo in auto mentre tornavo a casa.. chissà se si rendeva conto di quanta tristezza avrebbe provocato lasciandoci così presto.
Ayrton e George, entrambi, hanno sempre dichiarato di non avere Miti come invece ho avuto io fino ad oggi. E fino ad oggi ho sempre pensato di averne uno in cielo e uno in terra.
Oggi, a 44 anni anch’io non ho più bisogno di Miti.. Il Mito l’abbiamo dentro di noi… però ogni tanto sarà bello alzare lo sguardo verso il cielo e pensare, come diceva Publio Virgilio “Per la morte non c'è spazio, ma le vite volano e si aggiungono alle stelle nell'alto cielo”.
Stelle che splenderanno per sempre nel Cielo; Eroi che con le loro Gesta hanno lasciato un segno in questo mondo. E solo per questo, posso solo dire Grazie per aver incrociato la mia vita con la vostra.
20 Maggio 1988 – Roma - George Michael
27 Aprile 1993 – Cattolica – Ayrton Senna
17 Marzo 2004 – Milano – George Michael
06 Ottobre 2006 – Milano – George Michael
19 luglio 2007 – Lucca – George Michael
10 settembre 2011 – Firenze – George Michael
“Muore giovane chi è caro agli Dei” adesso ho capito che gli Dei hanno davvero il senso sopraffino della Bellezza.
Si sono portati lassù la perfezione della guida e il suono perfetto di una voce unica.
Ho avuto un’adolescenza bellissima.


My dearest George,
My heart is broken since a friend sent me this terrible message… You’re an Angel among angels, now, RIP !
Mon coeur est brisé car tu fais parti de ma vie depuis plus de 30 ans, tu es et seras toujours l’artiste de ma vie, le seul et unique, celui qui m’a fait sourire, qui m’a aidé dans des moments difficiles de mon adolescence, qui a fait palpiter mon coeur lorsque enfin j’ai pu te voir sur scène, ce fameux vendredi 13 octobre 2006… un rêve devenu réalité ! Puis il y a eu Le Stade de France, N-York et London !!! En 6 ans tu m'as fait tourner la tête, quel bonheur de pouvoir enfin profiter de ton talent sur scène, une voix incroyable, et pouvoir chanter avec toi…. Beaucoup d’émotions toutes ces années, mais que positives...
Mais aujourd’hui une partie de mon coeur est vide et ne sera jamais plus comblé ! Je n’écouterai plus ta musique de la même manière !
Forever in my heart !!!!


George Michael ,jamais pas une seule seconde le fait que tu pouvais disparaître , mourir,ne m'a effleuré, tu as toujours fait partie de ma vie depuis mes13 ou 14 ans , tu as été là à chaque étape de ma vie ,partagé mes emotions , mes peines, mes espoirs, mes attentes, tu as bercé mes heures chagrines et tu m'a faites rêver, merci , merci à toi pour tout, j'ai grandi avec toi ,la midinette que j'étais et la femme que je suis devenue te pleure ... moments passés avec toi , tes chansons, sont gravées en moi , tu m'as apporté énormément et j’espère que de la haut tu as rejoint ta tendre maman et tous les être que tu as aimé , sois en paix, tu seras toujours dans mon coeur et mes oreilles...


Dear George,
It is stupid but never I would have thought that you could die. Since your departure I lost a part of me even. You were present for 30 years in my life, vouchers as bad day. Your voice, your music comforted me, enthused me.
It is going to be difficult to continue without you and it has to be still difficult pus for your family.
I find comfort by telling me that I was lucky enough to see you in concert 5 times, it was magic moments. I was able to take it my children for Symphonica and I am delighted to know that they saw a very great artist.
Now I hope that you found the peace.
I wish a lot of courage to your family, your friends, your lovelies to surmount your premature departure.
Thank you for all that you made, for whom you were.
You will always in my heart.


George Michael
Quel choc, quelle tristesse en apprenant ta disparition. Difficile a croire, car on nous annonçait ton retour pour 2017, un documentaire un album, que du bonheur à venir...
Et puis ce 25 décembre, ce foutu « Last Christmas » ou tu as rejoins ta maman, ton grand amour et tous les amis chanteurs disparus trop tôt, tout comme toi, bien trop tôt...
Au delà de la peine et du vide que tu me laisses, il me reste ta musique, tes merveilleuses chansons, ta voix unique. Grace à tes clips je pourrais encore voir ton joli sourire et ton regard. Il me reste le bonheur de t 'avoir vu 3 fois sur scène, le souvenir de nos regards qui se croisent quand tu es sur scène et moi juste devant toi... Il me reste grâce a toi, le bonheur des rencontres entre fans ,ou « Lovelies » comme tu aimais nous appeler... c'est des souvenirs exceptionnels. C'est ca que je garde de toi. Merci pour tout.
Repose en paix mon George.


A toi mon idole,
Depuis ton départ, mon cœur s’est brisé et un vide s’installe en moi.
Mes larmes ne cessent de couler sur mes joues
Depuis toute jeune, tu as su me transporter et rêver avec ta voix, ton sourire, tes chansons et ton fameux déhanché.
Tu m’as réconforté dans les durs moments de ma vie ,mais aussi tu as partager mes moments de joie, mes amours et toutes mes fêtes.
Ma famille était témoin de tout l’ amour que je te portais,
mon époux aussi ,qui a laissé mon fantasme de jeune fille aller le jour où nous nous sommes vu pour la première fois à Montpellier en 2011. Je me souviens que pendant que je te filmais avec mon téléphone, tu m’as regardé pendant plusieurs secondes. Comme si tu me connaissais. A ce moment là , tu as rempli mon cœur de joie, c'était une preuve de ta générosité parmi tant d'autre preuve. Maintenant, tu nous a quitté, nous laissant comme des orphelins. Le cœur déchiré !! J’ai beaucoup pleuré pour la perte des personnes que j’aimais sur tes chansons, je n’aurais jamais pensé le faire aussi pour toi. Nous t’aimons et d'un amour inconditionnel nous ferons en sorte de te faire vivre à travers tes chansons et ton doux sourire.
Repose en paix mon tendre George


Je suis si triste depuis cette mauvaise nouvelle qui m'a frappé en plein cœur, il y a un vide dans mon cœur qui ne sera jamais plus comblé il me reste les bons souvenirs et ta musique sera éternelle ...
Forever George Michael


My Beloved George,
I remember the day I fell in love with you, your music and your voice like it was yesterday...and yet more than 33 years have passed, 33 years where I never stopped loving you!!!
You were there all this time in my life. You were Yog, the dear friend who shared the good and the bad moments, you were my goals in all my lifestyle choices, I learned your language and the History of your country to feel closer to you, I ofetn went to London with always the hope of meeting you by chance...but this chance will never exist again...
You were my light in my dark days, my Anchor in my torments, the ray of sunshine of my more clements days and the firework of my happy days...
I had the chance to see you seven times in concert and they are the most beautiful memories of my life!
You were so part of my life that for all those who know me, when I speak and say "My George", useless to say your name, everyone knows!
But now you are gone, you joined your beloved mom and Anselmo and I hope that you are happy and in peace but us, we are alone and lost...How to live and be happy without you? Witouht the hope of seeing and meeting you again?
You leave an incommensurable void in my life, in my heart...a part of me is gone with you...I already miss you so cruelly!!!
But I also know that I am blessed because so for you the most beautiful thing God gave us is music, He also gave me the chance to live this life where I could see, know, meet, listen and love a man as beautiful Inside as outside as you!
I hope that you can see and feel this love that we transmit to you and if every second of love testified for you had been able to make a little longer beat your heart, you would be immortal...
You were my friend, my life, my love! For me you are immortal, in my heart FOREVER and MORE!
"Loving you was as good as gold, as good as gold
And now you've gone away
And let me crying like a baby."
I have an emotional thought for your father, your sisters, your friends and your "lovelies". I share their pain wholeheartedly...


George devant le clavier les mots se bloquent.. Les jours passent et je n'y crois pas, on ne verra plus ton sourire mais restera gravér à jamais ..Tu as été pour moi mon 1er amour, mon confident ma force.. Tu as bercé mon adolescence chaque chanson représente une étape un événement une émotion.. Grace à mon homme j'ai pu voir ta tournée Symphonica.. Mon dieu l'émotion que j'ai vécu la première fois sur scène est indescriptible, mes posters prenaient vie, tu étais en face de moi et je gravais dans mon cœur tout ces moments partagés avec toi.. J'ai fait des rencontres inoubliables avec les lovelies.. Cette matinée passée devant chez toi en espérant te voir et la rencontre avec ton cousin et les chiens que du bonheur.. Derrière ton merveilleux sourire se cachait cette tristesse de deux absences celle de ta maman et d'Anselmo.. Maintenant j'imagine ce sourire retrouvé et me réconforte de te sentir heureux auprès d'eux.. Maintenant tu es allé chanté pour d'autres anges et quand je scruterai le ciel je regarderai l'étoile la plus brillante et je saurai que tu seras près de tes lovelies.. Merci George d'avoir été là... et tu seras à jamais notre Greek singer.. love you ...


Cher ange..
Tes chansons et ta musique ont bercé mes enfants ..
Lorsque j'étais enceinte je plaçais les écouteurs sur mon ventre rond
Mes plus beaux souvenirs dansent avec toi.
Si intouchable, si doux et tellement gentil.
Sois en paix parmi les anges.
Je suis de tout cœur en pensées avec tes proches.
Je t'aime à jamais


George, my first love. Thank you for the music, the soundtrack of my life, you are amazing.
Can not believe that you're gone, You will always be in my Heart.
Love you.


I was eight when I first fell in love with Wham and George Michaels music. I'm now 43 and he has been the soundtrack to my life. All my closest friends were huge fans too. The joy to watch my own two teenage daughters singing and dancing to his music today is fabulous. Strangely so deeply moved by the death of a man I never met but his words and actions in life seemed so familiar. Thank you for the memories in my life your music will forever make me think of. May your kindness and joy you have bought to others always be remembered. Rest in peace dear George.


J'écoute en boucle la radio rfm qui te rend hommage. En t'écoutant chanter tes plus belles chansons je ne cesse de pleurer en me disant qu'une si belle voix n'a pas pu disparaitre comme ça du jour au lendemain.
Tes chansons, ta voix, toi même tu vas tellement me manquer, j'ai grandi avec toi. Mon 1 er slow c'est sur "Last chrismas". Malheureusement il y aura toujours des mauvaises langues qui te critiquerons mais pour moi tu es et tu resteras a jamais le plus beau des chanteurs avec la plus belle des voix.
Je ne t oublierais jamais.❤


you have been loved and Will always be
I love you since I was 9 and will love you forever .
You're all my memories , my childhood, my youth , my past ,my present and my future.You're my bestfriend,my brother,my dream and Love...
I thank you for all the happiness you bring me by your voice , beautiful and masterpieces songs and your love ,you offered me a nice familly (LES FOLLEDINGUES ) .
I wake up everyday thinking that's a nightmare ..then I realize ..and I fell my heart will break again and again .
Life will never be the same without you , a part of me gone with you .
You may have gone from my sight but never gone from my heart .
I'M NEVER GONNA DANCE AGAIN ...............................


I had the privilege to meet and speak to George years ago at his home in Hampstead he was a simple man golden heart velvet magic voice RIP near his mother with the Angels 😢 💔


Good morning,
Well it"s a sad day for me today I turn 58 today and all I can do is think about George Michael!! Oh my word what a huge loss of the most wonderful ,talented artist of all time. He should be living and he so should be enjoying life.
I am so deeply sorry for the loss for everyone who had the amazing privilege to worked with GM and for his family it"s so devastating for all.
But I have enjoyed listening to his music from the very start, I so enjoyed it as he grew older just amazing!!! The world has loss a wonderful artist and such a beautiful and generous person.
I do hope he knew how much he was loved!!!! 💕
But I have blame the media, paparazzi and Hollywood for hounding him so much all through his life. I prayed so hard for him when I learned he was ill years ago with pneumonia then seen his touching interview. I remember thinking he was so grateful for another second chance at life. I could not wait to see what he would work on next and again I am so so sorry for the loss for the most talented artist of all time......
Best Regards,


GM's music seemed to follow me throughout my life, and always with the message I needed at the right time, always.....even in his musical absence, there he was. Ever constant.
I have always and will continue to love the man and the music, until the end of time.


Dearest George,
YOU without a doubt, achieved much more than even you gave yourself credit for. God gave you a canvas and YOU filled it with countless masterpieces! I am forever grateful that I lived in a generation that you defined. It's true, you provided the soundtracks to our lives, YOU were always there for me.
My Momma passed away 7 months ago and before she slipped away, she asked to see the pictures. I asked her" what pictures Momma? She looked at me and said George! So I pulled up You Tube and played her favorites". She listened and tapped her toes for a minute........ She was unresponsive for the next 2 days before surrendering on May 31st. YOU were the person she heard last, that's what YOU meant to her! My Momma and I shared our love for you and I have such great memories (including our writings and meetings with Melanie) bonding with her (and my brother, Shane) because of YOU. And for that I THANK YOU... I will never forget you George. YOU, like my Momma are forever in my heart and always on my mind.
My deepest and most sincere condolences to Mr. "Michael", Yioda, Melanie (I love you), the entire family, true friends of George and all my fellow lovelies.
Love, Shawnna, Judy (in Heaven with George) and Shane


What can I say, other than I am still in disbelief over the death of my idol, the one and only Extraordinary, Mr George Michael.
The morning I found out about his passing was 26 December 2016 here in Sydney, Australia, our boxing day public holiday - I never imagined in a million years, that George would pass away at such a young age, in fact I thought I'd be in my 70s still looking forward to the next incredible album he'd be releasing to the world - however, that was not Gods plan... Boy, am I really pissed off at him right now...
As soon as I awoke, I checked my phone and there was a message waiting for me from my ex husband, whom I have remained good friends with (I've since re-married to a wonderful man "Dejan") - he still remembered how much of a die hard fan of George's I was, and unfortunately had delivered the unbelievable news to me, that George had died... (I lost my dad in December 2015, but this news was something I never expected - especially after losing my father the year before) - So now you can understand why I'm mad at the Lord above...
Oh my God! As soon as I saw his message I screamed and burst into tears, howling and shaking my head...My poor husband Dejan, was shocked at my outburst, and asked me what had happened, as he couldn't understand why I was so distraught... I managed to finally get the words out of my mouth to tell him about the news while sobbing uncontrollably..... Dejan came over to me and just held me while I continued to sob and shake my head in disbelief at the news I had just read - he was not a fan, however, the news shocked him and he too was in tears - maybe he was a fan deep down, but wouldn't admit it to me - I believe it's a "macho" thing for a man not to really admit that he liked George's music to some degree.
I however, haven't stopped crying ever since.....I wake each morning and the first thing I think of is that George is no longer with us, and I cry.....I cry during the day out of the blue. I cry when I'm watching TV, I cry in the shower, I cry in my car when I'm driving and listening to his music, and I cry before I go to sleep at night....
It took me 4 days before I had the courage to play his music after he died - I just couldn't bear to hear that amazing voice, knowing that I and the world would never hear it again in a new song, let alone a new album....that thought alone just literally stumped me all together.
I have since regained the courage, and have been playing his music to the point of driving my poor husband mad...but I am now able to listen to his voice as I find it is calming me down and making me appreciate his incredible talent even more - even though it triggers the tears....
How can a fan be so floored by someone they refer to as their "idol", and have never met? Well, I am...and no doubt, one of many that are still feeling this tremendous loss...
I first fell in love with George in 1982/1983 (I am now 47yrs old) when the WHAM album "Fantastic" was released, and the first single "Wham Rap" hit the music charts, followed by "Young Guns", then "Club Tropicana" etc... the music was catchy, and something you could definitely dance to and get your groove on.
I was, I'm sure, one of millions of fans when WHAM disbanded, "upset & sad" - as a band I grew up with (even though it was a short time) was no longer going to be around. What I wasn't expecting, was that George would continue on and grace us with his beautiful, hypnotic voice and amazing music. No disrespect to Andrew of course, as without him, the world wouldn't have known George.
In 1988, I remember purchasing tickets to 2 of his Australian Faith tour concerts, as the 3rd concert was cancelled due to George being unwell with what I believe, was a throat infection. Needless to say, boy, was I glad I got to see him back to back when he did the 2 concerts in Sydney then.
I was literally beside myself with excitement, and in awe of this magnificent man and that beautiful, smooth, incredible voice - that left the whole of the Sydney Entertainment Centre breathless as his voice sounded exactly the same as it did on his album. The crowd was completely blown away with the incredible energy, voice, and talent that George was born with - WOW! is all I can say.
I then had the honour of being able to see him again, when he did a "one off" tour in Australia in February 2010. I was so excited and of course, I purchased a ticket to see my idol - after waiting ever so impatiently for 22 years! I was beside myself with anticipation of seeing him, that I spent 90% of the concert crying as I couldn't believe he was on stage, here in Sydney! - the other 10% was spent with me drying my tears so I could focus my eyes on George - can't believe that was nearly 7 years ago...
Then imagine how I felt when I heard that George was going to tour Australia again in 2012! I couldn't believe it! I was so excited that he was going to tour so quickly and not make his Aussie fans wait another 22 years before gracing our shores!
As you can imagine, I jumped so quickly at purchasing tickets to his concert - especially when I scored front row seats! I was that excited I cried with joy, not only being able to see George again, but that I scored FRONT ROW SEATS!, first time ever in my life I finally got tickets to see him up close and personal! No words in the English dictionary can ever describe the feeling I felt....then, it all came crashing down, George was hospitalised in Vienna with life threatening pneumonia in 2011. The 2012 Australian tour was cancelled, my hope of seeing my idol right in front of me ended right there and then.
Again, no words in the English dictionary could describe how I felt when I heard the tour was cancelled. I cried for a whole week staring at my front row concert tickets...I've kept them to this day as a reminder of the luck that was bestowed on me, only to have it taken away...I was devastated. No words could give me any comfort - and I know how selfish that sounds.
I finally snapped out of my upset mood and quickly realised that George's health meant more to me than those tickets. The thought of losing him, which at the time was very much a reality really shook me, and I prayed for him to come out of his coma and recover 100%. So I prayed, and prayed and prayed. I know deep down inside that unless George was 100%, he would never disappoint his fans by touring if he wasn't completely well and in good health - he would never do that to his fans, that much I am sure of 100%.
My biggest wish in life was to have the chance of meeting George in person so I could thank him for giving us a gift like no other in this world - and that is, his music. I never had the chance to meet him, however, my good friend Rita did. She unexpectedly met George when he was here in Sydney in 2010.
Rita was unaware that George had purchased a place here in Sydney, in the suburb of Palm Beach, which is situated North of Sydney in Sydney's Northern Beaches district, up near Whale Beach.
Rita and her brother (who coincidentally is also named George and is also gay) met George while he was relaxing in a cafe at Whale Beach. Rita recognised him and mentioned this to her brother. They proceeded to go up and greet George, who of course was a real gentleman and kindly spoke with them and offered them to sit with him.
During their conversation Rita had mentioned that I went to George's concert and that I was also his "biggest fan". George replied "that's very kind of her" and Rita had to explain to him that he really didn't understand how big of a fan I was. She proceeded to say that I was such a big fan, to the point that wanted to have his children. George was apparently shocked in a good way and said "wow, she really is big fan then" and laughed.
Rita then asked George if he would be so kind to sign a picture of himself (that Rita had coincidentally had in her bag) and address the message to me. George of course was happy to oblige on the proviso that he saw the picture first - he wanted to make sure it was a nice picture so he could autograph it for me. And he did. Rita asked if he could make sure that he spelt my name right and George of course asked her to spell it for him. They continued to chat for a little longer then thanked George for his time and kindly left.
Little did I know that this had occurred, until Rita presented me with the signed picture that she put in a frame and gave to me for my birthday in May 2010. That night, I took the picture out of the frame and held it to my heart and kissed it - then I placed it back in the frame to keep it safe.
When Rita told me the story, I burst into tears that she thought of me and met my idol and asked him to sign the picture for me. I have the picture to this day, that sits on my bedside table. I look at it every night before I go to sleep.
I could go on about how much I love and idolise my hero, the one whose music always made me happy, laugh and dance to, and also make me cry with his haunting ballads and amazing voice. Songs like "Jesus to a child", "Understand", "Safe", "My mother had a brother", "You have been loved", "Kissing a Fool" etc...
I remember the time when I was driving my father somewhere and in the background of course, there was George playing on my car stereo. I remember seeing my father from the corner of my eye moving his head ever so slightly to the beat of the music, then casually asking me "who is that singing?", and I reply to him "why? Do you like it?" He then proceeds to say "Yes", I then respond to him and say "it's George Michael", to which he responds "No!", and I say "Yes!" "Why?", and my father replies saying "You know, he has a very good voice". And of course I'm shocked and finally yell out, "Now you can understand why I love him!".
I am crying as I write this message about George, the loss is so great it's made the hole in my heart bigger than what it was after I lost my father. The only thing that makes me stop crying is the thought that now my dad is up in heaven with my idol, and can now understand after all these years what his daughter was going on about the whole time when the name "George Michael" was mentioned.
I have followed George's music career almost as long as I've been alive - his music is something that will continue to live on and that's something we fans, friends and family are lucky to have. Although I never met him, I am forever grateful that I never missed any of his concerts when he toured here in Sydney, Australia.
George may no longer be here in body form, but his spirit, music, extraordinary voice, and love for his friends, family and us fans will live on forever in our memory and every time we proudly crank up the music loud enough to remind the world the legacy he has left for us all.
May God hold you close and may you forever look down on us knowing how much you are loved - I'm sure you'd be floored knowing now how much you meant to those who loved you unconditionally and appreciated everything you did, but most of all for being You!
I'll mourn you until I finally meet you in heaven George. Love you always.
George's No1 fan


Darling George,
I have loved your music since the beginning. I have grown with your music and it has seen me through times both good and bad. I immersed myself in your beautiful words while grieving for my own Mum. I've laughed at tongue in cheek digs and sang my heart out to your music too. You have been such an inspiration to many people but to me you will always be my idol. I will never forget you and will continue to sing along when ever your songs are played both at home and out too. Rest easy now George, I hope you find some peace. You will always be in my heart. Say hello to my Mum and give her a kiss from me too. Sweet dreams George. You have been so very loved. Love always XXX


Dear George,
I have loved you since I was 11 years old. That was when you introduced me to adult music, that was in 1988 when I heard Faith for the first time. You were my first love and as I matured I still stayed faithfull to you and your music. Your music, your amazing talent was always with me no matter where life took me.
Now you're gone and it's the most saddest thing. But you and your music will be in our hearts forever.
You have been loved!
Forever yours, XXX


Il y a 32 ans j'ai entendu une VOIX à l'autre bout de la maison , cette voix c'était la tienne du haut de mes 10 ans je n'aurais pu imaginer ce que ta musique, tes mots, ton sourire... allaient m'apporter...et surtout cette incroyable tournée de 2006 à 2011 ces 11 lives du pur Bonheur partagé ...
GEORGE je te dis MERCI POUR TOUT CA….aujourd' hui mon cœur est douloureux mon âme est triste ... je pense à ta famille, tes proches.. je prends une vive part à leur chagrin affectueusement et tristement.....
Tu as été, tu es et tu resteras dans ma vie mon amazing angel , you have been loved
May God rest his soul in peace


J'avais 12 ans en 86 la première fois que j'ai entendu le son de ta voix à la radio, j'en suis tombé amoureuse oui exactement amoureuse puis je t'ai vu et la mon cœur a chaviré. Les murs de ma chambre étaient couvert de tes photos pendant très longtemps tu as été l'homme idéal puis j'ai grandit j'ai appris à te connaître ma relation avec toi à changé oui j'ai quand même rencontré l'homme de ma vie qui me partage avec toi. Tu a était présent dans tout les moments de ma vie et le restera jusqu'à la fin. Ta voix me donne des frissons et me transporte.
J'espère vraiment qu'il y a un monde après et qu'enfin tu puisse retrouver les bras de ta maman et le cœur d'Anselmo.
Pour l'éternité dans mon cœur.


What I am about to write here won't even go close to describing my feelings since the news broke on Christmas Day.
I'm still in a state of denial for a man that I'd never met, didn't know personally but who has been in my life since I was 7years old is no longer here, to the point that I haven't found the strength to watch his videos or listen to his music.
That stage presence, that voice, that sense of humour and stunning smile with live on with us, his fans, forever and while we all deal with this in our own way, this is something we can take a huge comfort in.
George, I pray that you will now find the peace that you may have been looking for, in the arms of your beloved mother, she will look after you and keep you safe.
All that is left to say is...........Thank you Xxx


I come by this message to tell you that we, French fans of Yog, are very shocked and really very sad !!!
I am, since December 26, totally upset ... obviously I am not part of the family but, all the same.
I took it in the head, as if I were told of the loss of a member of my family.
I've been listening to Yog since 1983/1984 at the age of 13 ... He was my idol and will remain so forever!
His voice was extraordinary ... surely the most beautiful voice for decades.


I've loved you for over 30 years, Im heartbroken that you've gone. Thank you for the music, I will listen to your beautiful voice everyday, for the rest of my life. I love you so so much


My George.....
Wham! came into my life when I was 6, where I spent many years pretending to dance with you and singing into my hairbrush! As you continued to create inspirational music, this accompanied me in life's journey and you experienced my every high and low. I cannot thank you enough for enriching my world as you have.
I've never felt so much adulation for anyone like this, so your passing over has effected me in a way I never thought possible. You have truly touched the lives of so many, I sincerely hope and wish you knew how much you were loved, admired and respected.
I can't believe I will never see you perform live again or feel that buzz when you release new material, instead, having to say goodbye, when I don't want to accept you've gone. It all feels so surreal. You've been taken far too soon.
My heart goes out to your family and friends. You are irreplaceable; a beautiful man, inside and out, now back in the arms of your beloved mum.
This void you leave in so many of us, will never be filled. You will live on in my heart, mind and soul forever.
I love you George. Xxx


I was a kid and I only had my stereo with cassette.
No internet, no youtube, no Itunes.
I recorded "Do not let the sun go down on me" while passing on the radio, and not even knowing who you were, I fell in love with that song and your beautiful soul voice.
I am madly in love with you and now you're gone and i'm so sad but I realize I have you in my heart.
In this very difficult time of my life your music gave me a reason to be happy, I'll study singing, you are a light in my heart.


Heaven sent 😇 and heaven stole 😔!
Will miss you so much, may you now be at peace George
My condolences to his family


Dear George
I want you to know i'm so thankful for your beautiful music and amazing voice. You are such a kind man with a gentle nature and a heart of gold. I have loved you since I was 11 years old over 30 years you have been in my life. Your music has seen me through happy and sad times in my life. I have been so lucky to have seen you in concert each time a dream come true. I always thought I would meet you some day and give you a big hug. I feel like i'm saying googbye to my best friend. I am so proud to call you my Idol so my lovely, Thank you with all my heart for being the soundtrack of my life. Your music will always be with us. I will never forget you. You are with your Mam and Anselmo now. Rest In Peace you lovely man and sing with the angels. See you in heaven. Love always . Xxx Dublin Ireland.
Love to George's family,friends and lovely dog. Xxx


My heart had been broken since I heard the news. Everyday I hope it's a bad dream but it's not!
I was 8yrs old when I first saw your face and heard the most angelic voice I had ever heard in tv. I was hooked totally hooked!
I loved you that day and every day since.
I have moved on in my life from that 8yr old child. I have my own family now and my own uphill and down hill struggles but through every step of the way you and your voice have always got me through.
I know that your music will always be here for me and everyone but I truly feel so distressed thinking that you are not here with us somewhere.
Wherever you are now I pray that you have found peace and true happiness. You are now the angel that you have always deserved to be.
You will live on forever in my broken heart.
I love you


Such sad news of George, I will never hear that beautiful voice again live. I will play his tunes over & over to remember him always, 💐 RIP,


Thank you so much George for being the soundtrack of my life all those years. You made me laugh, you made me cry. You are the most amazing human being this world has ever known.A big thank you from the bottom of my heart for every single memory. Will treasure them always.
I have to let you go but you'll always have that special place in my heart. Making sure to keep your memory and legacy alive.
Sweet dreams George. You're with the angels now. Will always love you till the end of time.
My thoughts and prayers go out to George's family and friends.


Adieu mon très bel Ange tu nous as quitté le jour de Noël pour rejoindre les anges du paradis et je suis si triste. Je n'arrête pas de repasser en boucle tes chansons et je ne peux m'empêcher de pleurer. Je suis si triste, je n'arrive pas à réaliser, ni même à y croire. Tu me manquera comme tu manques à beaucoup de monde. Tu étais une tellement belle personne j'ai un an de moins quer toi, et tu as accompagné toute ma jeunesse. Je n'arrive pas à réaliser que tu nous ai quitté si tôt, mais je pense que Dieu rappelle à lui les belles personnes et les plus belles âmes.Alors merci pour tout ce que tu as fait sur cette terre et tout ce que tu nous as donné, sache que je t'ai toujours aimé, et que je continuerai même si tu n'es plus là. Repose en paix maintenant auprès de ta maman chérie et de l'amour de ta vie LOVE YOU


Quand l'enfer vous touche,
Que la solitude, est en toute présence,
Que même les baisers rares de sa bouche,
Ont le goût du beurre rance,
Que l'on a oublié trop longtemps,
Que l'on est en attente de tout, et de rien...
Que le cœur ne cesse de saigner, mais en vain!
Que le regard s'enfuit vers l'infini des champs...
Alors serait-il là... ? Le temps,
Celui de "partir", celui de s'enfuir? ....
En libérer corps et âme,
De tous ces tourments, ses regrets...
Déjà là-haut les anges brament
Nous avons trop tardés; ils nous blâment,
Dans ces moments-là, tout est si laid.....
Partir... demain peut-être,
Ou tout recommencer, perpétuellement...
Partir obsolète,
S'envoler au firmament...
Là c'est sûr... on nous attend! .....


My sweet loving GEORGE MICHAEL I NEVER GOT TO SEE U OR MEET U "BUT U MEAN THE WORLD TO ME! Now I will never see u but I just want u to know u touch me so much with ur music and that beautiful voice made me fall in love with u for 34 years and I still feel the same way I guess I will never stop loving u and a peace of my heart goes u with .I Can't Make You Love Me and I will Love You To The End Of Time!! Praying For Time! Fast Love😪🙏🏼💔💋🤗


I was deeply sad and heartbroken to hear of you're passing. I have loved you for 32 years since I was 13 years old and you're music has been a huge part of my life, that will never change. I still can't believe you've gone... I was so grateful I got to see you sing live on every solo tour you did and was so lucky to meet you in person. I will treasure every single one of those memories in my heart forever. We always knew that you were a kind, generous and beautiful soul. And I feel so blessed that you shared you're amazing gift with us and brought us so much joy and happiness through you're music. We will always be so thankful for that, George you would be so proud of you're lovelies with the outpouring of love shown for you in the last few days. We will miss you so so much but you'll always be here speaking to us through you're songs. God bless, rest in peace our singing Angel, You have been Loved. x


George you will always be the love of my life.When I got the awful news on Christmas day my world was torn apart💔😭💔😭....My broken heart will never heal,you will always be in my thoughts and in my heart every second,every minute,every hour of everyday.I have loved you since the first time I saw you and I will never stop loving you.You are the worlds greatest singer and songwriter, your music is so beautiful. I love all of your songs.My life long dream was to meet you in person someday and tell you just how much I love you and your music.My tears will never stop falling as I think back on all the memories I have of you over the years....I wish so badly I could walk up to heaven and bring you home...RIP my beautiful angel😇....I love you more than anything on this earth💕💕💕


Tu étais mon idole depuis l'âge de mes 15 ans. Longtemps j ai aime ta personne et tes chansons plus tard j ai un peu oublié avec le temps.
C est en apprenant un jour de noël ta disparition que je me suis remise à écouter tes chansons, à regarder tes vidéos.je me suis rendue compte que je t'aimais toujours autant même plus en sachant tout ce que tu as fait pour des personnes des associations en secret une belle personne gentille ne devrait pas partir si jeune. Ta voix si belle et douce que je réécoute chaque jour.je n arrive pas a à réaliser que tu n est plus la. Je suis effondrée.
Je n es pas eu la chance de te voir en concert. Je ne t oublierais jamais
J'espère que la ou tu es tu a trouvé la paix. Tu es un ange
A mon idole de jeunesse


First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to George Michael's family and friends. I hope that you will find some comfort in knowing how much George was loved and meant to so many people around the world.
My dear George,
Like a true close friend, you've always been with me throughout good and bad times since I was very young. You brought so much needed joy and happiness in a world that isn't always a kind place. You sang like an angel and always gave much needed comfort and support.
I want to thank you for having the courage to put yourself out there by sharing time and time again unparalleled music, performing to millions of people, sharing your life, and being there for people through charity. I hope that you know that you have been loved, we will continue to love you, and always support you.
This is a very difficult period for me and so many people at the moment. It hurts, there are no other words... All I can do for now is try to find some comfort once again in your music.
I will miss you forever, thank you for the music, thank you for always being there my friend.
One of your many beloved lovelies.


I used to listen "Careless Whisper", "Kissing a fool", "Last Christmas" a lot... Last year, due to my health problems, I was stressed every day, every night... So I started listening to your music...Your music helped me to get better, day after day... And carries on helping me... You mean so much to me, I do not have enough words to express that. You will always be a part of my life... You are an important part of my recovery... You are my Angel...
Thank you ❤
Rest in peace Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou.


Difficult to find the words .... I'm sad, so sad ... George Michael was one of the artists whose music has accompanied me all my life. And one of my greatest regrets will remain to have never seen him in concert. His voice was a miracle. I danced and cried on his songs... but I don't want to talk about George in the past... because I will continue to dance and cry on his voice and his music for the rest of my life. Since December 25, 2016, I don't listen to anyone other than him, because I can't to solve me to accept this reality. If he only knew how much he missing us already .... I hope he will never be forgotten. In any case we his fans will not forget him. George, you are a legend and the legends never die... Rest in peace.... We love you forever.


I would like to pay my respects to George Michael family(Geogios Kyriacou Panayotou) lots of love and big hug. Thank you for the family, because they brought to this planet an extraordinary person ever seen. ♥
when i stopped believe in God, life, stopping having dreams, hope and faith George came into my life and I reborn I was a child. He created me, thanks to him i am the person i am today. ♥ He was the best thing that happened in my life. ♥
Thank you Yog for your songs, you are and will be always the best gift from God. i will love you till my last breath. without you my life do not means nothing, because you are life, sun water, music and i cant live without you. i feel lost, empty. for me you are the best singer ever with your music you make feel alive, you have such a powerful voice and great imagination, everything you touch turns gold. ♥He is the elixir of love Xx


Ce matin du 26 Décembre restera gravé dans ma tête à jamais: la première information que j'entends, c'est que tu nous a quitté la veille. Je suis restée sans voix, submergée par l'émotion.
Comme beaucoup de personnes, tu fais partie de ma vie depuis Wham, et tu as continué à partager ma vie. Tu étais mon premier idole et tout m'a séduit en toi, on arrivait à sentir ta gentillesse, ta douceur.... Je suis encore sous le choc et marquée à vie. You have been loved....On t'aimera toujours


Dear George
Since the news of your passing, fans from around the world have been in deep shock. I have been listening to some of your songs on TV, but didn't know it was yours. But recently, I have discovered that, the more I listen to them, the more I realize that there are quite a lot of your songs that I know. You are true icon, legend and loved by many in the world. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, your music will live on forever. Sing loudly with Whitney, Michael, David, Elvis and Prince now. May you Rest In Peace.


"I have been speechless... days without words, without assimilating that he is no longer, that he won't be here to caress us with his affection, with his details, with his smile to us, his fans -So little important to some artists, so valued by him-.
I could never imagine that I'd have to draw strength from the impossible to write something like this: a farewell so soon. Through George and his music you can follow the yarn of my life so faithfully... I can't remember a mere fact of my life in which he or his music was not present.
I've met so many wonderful, marvellous and "Lovely" people -as he called us- thanks to him. He has been the magical Bond of union among people from all over the world, he has provoked so much love as only God can really know so I only can say: Thank You, George, as always, from the beginning to the neverEnding Love: You made the magical miracle to millions of lives, you brought solace through your music showing us there's a relief at the bottom of any grief that you brought wrapped in the silk of your voice. You taught us to be humble even being you so great, to be sincere even being media so terrible against you, to be brave against all even being so weak inside, to be sweet and charitable with the good even being world so ungrateful. Now and forever: I LOVE YOU. Feel Good, wherever you Are. Be free to think we all are agree with your decisions. Whatever they are. Forever yours,


Dear George,
I've been realizing for almost 2 weeks that you were a piece of diamond living in my heart, with me for more than 30 years. I've loved you for as long as I can remember but now that you're gone, I didn't know you were that important to me.
It's heartbreaking today, but I guess I'll be able to smile again while listening to your music. So hard to let you go George, but I know your little diamond will always be with me, as it has always been.
ke care of you wherever you are, I thank you for having be present in every step of my life with your voice, your smile, your energy, your fun and all you gave me, all you gave the whole world.
I hope you're in peace now.
Love always,


Les mots me manquent pour exprimer à quel point tu vas me manquer.
J'ai commencé a écouter ta musique depuis que j'avais 15 ans et je suis tombé amoureux de tes chansons.
Tu avais une voix exceptionnelle. Merci pour tout ces moments et les concerts qui resteront gravés dans ma mémoire.
RIP George.


Cher George
À la seconde ou j ai posé les yeux sur toi je suis devenue fan cela fait 34 ans maintenant ,toute ma vie tourné autour de toi j attendais avec impatience une sortie d album , un concert , j ai eu la chance d avoir assisté à 3 concerts dont le dernier à l Opéra Garnier . Ton sourire , ta voix, ton rire, ton humour ,ton célèbre déhanché tous me manque déjà et je reste inconsolable . Tu seras toujours dans mon cœur .


You were my life, my heart and my soul. You were there during the good times and pulled me through the bad.
You surrounded me with your beautiful voice all through my life providing me with the strength I needed to move forward. I am forever in your debt. I have lost my guardian angel. Night night George, sleep tight ❤️ Until we meet again xXx


My George how can I describe how I felt when I saw the newsflash come up on my phone when I was at work saying you had died.... my heart just broke with the feeling you had gone. Didn't believe it at first till I saw all the messages coming up on social media. 😪 My George I just want to say thank you for the music from my early childhood till now. I was blessed to finally get to see you live in 2012. It made my dream come true to see you perform. Memories to treasure forever. Thank you George.... RIP GM you have been loved and always will. Sleep tight. Love xx❤❤


Dear George,
I was lucky enough to not lose many of my closest in my lifetime so I bearely knew how painful it was until I found about you, passing on a Christmas day! From all the days it just had to be such a special one! But then I thought you were so special that you had to do everything memorable! I thank you for the bottom of my heart for everything you gave me over the last 25 years since I've loved you and admired you and always turned to you when I was in love, or I was sad or I just needed some inspiration or to feel better about myself. You were always there for me! I'm sorry I couldn't return the favour!
You will always be in my heart and in my thoughts and I will always have your music!
I hope you found peace and happiness where I hope you are!


Dearest , Singing Greek!
Time can never mend
The careless whisper of a good friend
To the heart and mind
Ignorance is kind
My first cassette I bought was when twelve years old, it was wham fantastic, and you were. Gone too soon, goodnight love


It's early summer 1983, I'm 10 years old, I'm on my first guide camp at Beaudesert and we are dancing the full Bad boys routine in the forest. We have discovered Wham and I'm about to embark on a 33 yr love affair with George Michael. One which will involve buying every album and attending every concert that hits Birmingham. Reading every newspaper article, plastering my walls with posters. Playing 'make it big' vinyl until it's virtually worn out. Borrowing my friends 'Wham in China' video, chewing it up in the crap vhs and mum having to go out and buy her a new one from Woolworths to replace it. Watching him join others in making history in Band aid and Live aid. Sobbing for weeks after Wham spilt up, my greatest regret becoming missing the Wembley final concert, and delighting in a new raunchy George in his Faith leathers and ripped jeans. I grew up alongside him and as he vocalised his views on HIV, left wing politics, workers rights, charity work and LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 rights, I found I agreed with him. We watched his grief and self destructive behaviour arrive as his partner and Mum died, his own dice with death in 2011 and since then there has been a mish mash of substance abuse, depression and an oasis of thrilling music, concerts, tv in amongst arid times.
The George I felt I knew was talent, drive, ambition, self focus sometimes even self obsession and yet kind, philanthropic, sensitive and a true role model. I have never wavered in my admiration of him. He was and always will be my only celebrity obsession. I'm not so sad as to be like it with anyone else but somehow he connected with me as a child and I have never forgotten the connection. The sadness was overwhelming this Xmas. A piece of my childhood, teens and adulthood gone. I can't begin to imagine how his family and friends, who actually knew him, must've felt.
And yet...I still leap up to 'wake me up' at every disco, still adore 'last Christmas', still weep when I hear 'I can't make you love me' and 'Through', still know every lyric to Wham and most of his solo stuff.
Claims to fame...
1. I was the first person to buy his biography in Walsall. (They were still in the box 😂😂😂).
2. My brother saw him once in a restaurant in Portugal.
3. I swear I was the youngest audience member there in Birmingham 2012.
I would still choose George Michael as my mastermind topic 😂
In amongst the sadness, there's joy.
For now I'm returning to 1983....
Thank-you George for being you.


Since December 25, life is so sad, I feel that time has stopped.
Without you I'm just a 18 years old heartbroken French girl...
I have felt your death as if it were a family and words can't express my sorrow.
You were my hero, if I stayed alive it is thanks to you and unfortunately I never could see you to thank you.
And now that you have left us I don't know how I am going to survive...
I hope that you'll rest in peace, that god will have mercy on you and that your soul be blessed...
I will never forget you, thank you for everything, thank you for saving me with your music and your big heart.
May you rest in peace, je t'aime George.


In 1981 when I was 20 I got married. George Michael & Andrew Ridgley performed as Wham the same year. I gVe been a fan of George ever since.
I did not get to see George Michael live as having two young children I couldn't afford it. When I could afford the ticket price, he stopped touring, My daughter limbering brought up listening to his music, had no choice but to like him.
George Michael was and always will be my absolute music hero. In 2011 I finally got tickets to see George live, my daughter agreed to come with me, only for symphonica to be cancelled due to George having pneumonia. My husband told me 'you're not going to see him. If he has pneumonia he is too ill' I was heartbroken. Would I ever get to see my hero sing live. His health was far more important than me seeing him live though. But he got better and he promised he would perform as he didn't want to disappoint his fans. I finally got to see my idol in sept 2012. George Michael did not disappoint. My daughter came away from symphonica converted and found him amazing.
I didn't find out he had died until Boxing Day morning. I saw it on twitter. I ran to my husband who saw my face and asked 'whatever is wrong?' I just said 'George Michael died' and then I cried. My husband put his arms round me. He has been married to me for 35 years the same length of time I have .. probably loved, George Michael.
May you rest in peace George Michael and thank you for your Amazing music.
My motto now, just have


You gave so much to us all & still had so much left to give but that was bitterly taken away from us , heaven needed a shining star more than we did, I wil never forget you or your music it will live on in me forever . Goodnight & godbless you have been loved xxxx


You are the soundtrack to my life, my first love from the age of 7. Life without your beautiful voice and kind heart just doesn't seem possible. The world has lost a legend and heaven has gained an angel. Sweet dreams my darling, be happy in the arms of your mum and Anselmo, sing with the angels.
Love you always


I am a heartbroken george fan of 32 years still can't believe you left us too soon 2 weeks on still in tears when I hear you in radio I was having a lovely Christmas until I heard that terrible about you george I wish you were still here with us having a laugh on twitter I am so glad I went to see 25 live 3 times and symphonica 3 times you were amazing as always can't believe won't see your lovely sale again I was looking forward to this year because all the projects you were doing for all us fans I hope you got to finishing some of them hope sometime they can be released for us fans as a tribute you my lovely I know it won't be same but at least we will have something to remember you buy at least you are with your mum and anselmo we all know how you missed your loved ones hope you telling angels about us rip sweetheart love you and miss you everyday no one will take your place for me best singer in the world love you george xxx😥😥😥😥xxxxxxx love


Devastated and heart broken Rest in Peace my lovely
Thank you for your music
Sending deepest condolences to your family.
Always loved ❤️❤️ and never forgotten


Dear George,
I am devastated and heartbroken.There's no words that can express my sorrow.I feel i've lost a big part of my life.You have made such huge impresions on my life.I will forever keep your music,generosity,legacy and memory a live.You have been loved unconditionally.Sing with angels...I wiil be the one who loves you until the end of time... R.I.P.


Dearest George,
I wake up everyday thinking for a miniscule of a second that it's not true...
Then I realize, No it's not a dream and I feel so bloody empty all over again and My heart dies a little bit more.
This heart ache, It feels like I've lost one of my family.
The tears keep flowing, They catch me unawares.
Your Music has been The soundtrack of my life since I Was 8 or 9. - That's 33+ years
You have gently sang me through some very tough & testing times.
I can recall all of your songs at any given time in my life..
I where there at - Wham! The Final.
I where there at - Freddie Mercury Tribute
And I where there at - Symphonica.
Now all I have left are Memories... Which no one can ever take away.
Will it ever become any easier?
Will the tears ever come from joy at hearing you voice or always make me cry at this horrid loss.
I'm so lost in my emotions.
This grief is very very real.
The entire world is at a loss.
R.I.P my Sweet Sweet Angel.
Forever in my Heart.


I have no words for the pain left behind
But I will take the memory of a beautiful mind
that was full of songs from both the head and the heart
And with that, thank the Lord, we will never be apart


Thank you for the great music that you wrote and sung


George, you were my teenage hero, my 1st love & 1st introduction to true amazing music both Wham & solo which transformed my life & now music is my life, showing me that music speaks when nothing else does. I will never forget how much your music speaks, how it helps me cope with life emotionally, getting me through some of my darkest moments & the lessons it teaches me.
You are & will always be my true hero & a legend in my eyes as well as my heart.
My you rest in peace, know that you will be missed deeply, always be loved & blessed.
Your music & life will always live on in my heart, mind & soul.
God bless & sleep tight my angel, will always have a piece of my heart & will be loved forever & always xx


My darling George
You will never know the effect your music had on me, it danced me through the good times, helped me through the sad times and pulled me through the dark times.
My heart is well and truly broken, you were so loved and I hope you knew that. I tweeted you once purely to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for being such an amazing artist and for the songs you gave us.
RIP George
Much Love To All


Dear George, I would like to write thousand words but they would be not enough. I am 42 years old so I grew up with your music, your videos and your photos (you were so sexy!!). Every person has happy moments and sad moments , some people are strong and some are weak , we are not all equal . When you love a singer and his music you pass over the prejudices for his behaviour . What makes me more sad is to see your last photos on newspapers: you seemed a little bit sad and lonely. These photos make me cry. Your friends, your family , your fans and I will miss you so much. Thanks for your music and for every emotion you provided us. You were a star here and you will be a bright star in the sky and wherever you are. love love love


My deepest condolences to the closest family and friends. No words can express how we all feel. George was the chosen one to bring music to the world unheard of, to bring so much joy happiness and comfort to all, to lift music to the higher level where only few could excel. Yet, he struggled in life at times. Only comfort now is that he is in a better place, where all the troubles of this world are absent and where our loved ones have a worryless existence, now with music from an angel.
In deep sorrow, you have been loved and will be missed always❤️️


George como te voy a extrañar fue un gran dolor tu perdida Fuiste y seras el musico de mi adolescencia hoy con 56 años te seguí siempre!! Ame tus canciones,reí,baile, desde siempre ,no te olvidare jamas me has dejado tu legado tus canciones te amo!!!


Dimanche 25 décembre 2016 minuit trente : je me réveille en sursaut. Je prend
mon téléphone et là je vois une alerte du parisien qui annonce le décès de
George. Quel choc ! Quelle tristesse !
J'ai eu énormément de mal à retrouver le sommeil.
George Michael est entré dans ma vie lorsque j'avais 16 ans. Il chantait "Wake
me up before you go go" et "careless whisper". Je l'ai aimé dès la 1ère seconde
où je l'ai entendu.
J'ai eu la chance d'aller à Wembley assister au concert d'adieu de Wham.
Puis la rencontre avec sa sœur et son papa dans son restaurant avec d'autres
Les concerts ici en France : j'étais toujours présente aux premières loges.
Il m'a accompagné toute ma vie dans mes bonheurs, mes malheurs, mes ruptures...
L'année 2016 m'a enlevé ma maman en novembre, elle a voulu m'enlever mon frere
et pour finir elle m'a enlevé mon idole, le seul homme qui ne m'a jamais quitté
;). Je n'ai qu'une seule chose à dire à l'année 2016 : va te faire foutre !
Je te remercie George pour tout ce que tu nous a apporté, toutes les joies que
tu nous a procurées au travers de tes chansons.
Je ne t'oublierais jamais et je veux croire qu'un jour on se retrouvera là
haut... Si tu croises ma maman, elle pourra te dire combien je t'aimais.
Rest in peace my love."


I have been a huge fan since Wham! days. I have always loved listening to your music, when I'm happy you make my smiles bigger, when I'm sad you help wipe away my tears.
You are gone but never forgotten, you were AMAZING. May you RIP and keep singing forever. With love xx


In July 2008, my husband took me to see George in Philadelphia, PA (USA). I just had my daughter and was having a very difficult recovery but my husband said "you are not missing your George!" I am so glad I went. For two hours I felt no pain and I smiled, sang, danced and just felt George in my soul. He has been a part of my life since I can remember. I think I was 8 when I saw WHAM!'s video "I'm your man" on Friday Night Videos and I have never stopped loving him. He was my first concert, our first dance at our Wedding (Secret Love) and my music to get my through my labor and delivery with my daughter. I had so many painful days from the surgery after I had her and never thought I would ever feel better. That night he took my pain away and I will always thank him for being there for me when I most needed him. Even if he didn't know it, i knew he was always there for me.
All my love to his family,


Deepest Condolence's to the family. The world has been so very blessed for decades with the Angelic Voice, Beautiful Lyrics from an Amazingly blessed human being. Humble and Compassionate making a difference in the world.
R.I.P. #therewillneverbeanotherGKP


Dear Angel George 🌟🎶
Here I am..
Sitting in a cold grey dark world
Heaven sent
And now heaven stole
You filled my life with your beauty,
your music.. that has touched my heart
At an very early age: Wham!!!!! 💖🎶
Not me choosed you, but my heart did
Unfortunaly I never saw Wham!
I was too young
Well, at least that's what my parents said
Maybe they are right
They protected me, as I was 14 yr old, naive
I remember I desperately wanted to see Wham!'s Final farewell concert
To see you and Andrew
Ultimately my wish came true...
To see you live, not with Wham!
But solo
You made your way to the Netherlands
On your first epic Faith World Tour
You've danced and grooved
In a way no one else can 🎶💃💃
You loved my train ticket Amsterdam Rotterdam and signed it
Your voice, your dancing, your performance..
I loved everything
God gave me the chance to meet you
I was over the moon...
Many more Angel encounters followed
I've known you as a sweet, honest, funny man. You are a true gent who respects everybody
Note: A quick thought of you in taking a nice pic of you back in 1995, you were joking like you did with Wham! teasing me all the way "saying CHEESE!" for one second then you put your mouth back to normal, almost impossible to capture that beautiful smile on time lol anyway that shows how much of a funny sweet man you are. I did succeed taking one anyway hehe... 😜
I have joined your musical career on every high and low and always stood next by you
Listen Without Prejudice was an album which you want people to take you more seriously
And you decided not to do any promotion
Then Fony stopped your freedom in creating music, it was all about the music, they didn't care about the person's feelings behind it and you fought for that. Virgin bought you out abd the sensitive album of beautiful popsongs about tragedies of personal experience flow out in Jesus To A Child, Older, It Doesn't Really Matter, To Be Forgiven and You Have Been Loved. Patience is another album I love very much, Round Here made me curious to explore one day where you grew up as a little boy, where you went to school etc.
Your music was the soundtrack of my life. If I had to mention every single detail from my childhood, my schooldays (believe me, you & Andrew made my schoollife much more pleasant in the 80s my biology teacher in Amsterdam even wrote a poem about me and George when I got my diploma). I saw you on many tours to come: 25 Live Tour and even the epic nights of the Final Two Live in London. It was a triangle of emotional happiness for me choosing to see you on dates in my "round here" Amsterdam, Rotterdam and your "round here" London.
I always choosed with care. Last but not least I saw you on your last Symphonica Tour: your ultimate dream came true to work with an amazing man called Phil Ramone and to realise another dream going on tour with a real orchestra. Your singing was once again phenomenal and breathtaking.. you hit me emotionally with songs like Going To A Town, Cowboys & Angels, Praying For Time (this message and NEW lyrics you added are meant more and so relevant to this world right now, that I often think and feel ashamed to be alive in such world. Read: Meja's song, it's all 'bout the money, about greed rich bastards asking for more. You wrote: "the rich declare themselves poor". Your mum always said that money is the root of all evil, I totally agree with her. From the days I was a kid I've always found another, more beautiful world in my mind than this. Your songs have always pulled me through. It has always been written from the heart, except for Careless Whisper lol
Your passing came like a shock to me, I couldn't spent xmas anymore and cleant all this shit up, tree.. everything. I cried all day. Not in the mood for a "happy new year" too!!
You were born on the 25th, you died on Christmas day, 25+12+16=53, spiritually seen I think God has a meaning for that 💖🎶
I feel good knowing you died peacefully on your sleep. Only angels die this way.
You are now free from the media and paparazzi, the only ones that never cared about you. I'll never forget what you said when you kissed me, saying that there are paparazzi everywhere but you kissed me anyway. You didn't care about them, yet for me.
Take care sweet man
I will forever miss you.
our Dutch lovely from Rotterdam. 💋


I can only imagine how deep and unacceptable loss the y are standing. I am crying since xmas day and I am hiding to the real world how much my heart has been broken, because no one can understand the grive for a man I never met. But... But... But... But Yog, George, the singing greek, the amazing man... Or better....the fucking amazing man.... With his gentleman style, with his diva ego, with his funny ironic words, with his Velvet voice , with his shown weakness and his hidden fears .... This .... For 30 years has been part of my life.
I am not a fanatic screaming fan.. My life was busy and sometimes not easy... So i loved him discretly from far ... I enjoyed for every single note I listened, I saw few gigs, my passion and ammiration grown year after year and changed as I changed... Sure now my dream was no more to marry him, maybe just thank him and hold him like an old friend. As many others I prayed when he had pneumonia, sharing online how much we was worried. I was angry when he did something dangerous for himself, like I Could Be for another friend or a relative. But most of all He Made me proud... of his life, of his music, of his ideas. I was proud of his battles and his trasparent way to speak to the world. Realized at 14 yrs old that i Could never Be his wife... I don' t Really care about his sexual preferences .. Only want he was happy and found somebody Who loved him as he deserved. We hope that he is now with his first love, that he is holding his beloved mum.
We are discovering now all his several great benefit actions, other things to Be proud of, But not surprised of, because we already knew his gentle heart.
I feel now only the necessary willing to shout to the world... Ehi do you realized now what kind of man we miss?
And we are trying to find some peace feeding of videos, interviews, songs... As addicted to his voice. But nothing seems to Be useful.
I will miss him forever, his familiar way to put his hands, his funny teewts, his lovely voice tune in the first seconds of an answer, his lightweight frown pronuncing "ehm, i don't think so"... Oh Yes my beloved never met friend we will miss you behind the words.
We are the lovelies, we are the far patient viewers of your life, while you Made part of ours, we are the proud of you, the one Who will never forget. You have been loved, my dear never met friend.
Rest in peace and free


Since that night I saw you on top of the pops with Wham! Singing 'young guns' I was smitten..I was 14yrs old & even at the age of 48 I adored you always will. Every event in my life was accompanied by a George song, if I was happy, sad, it didn't matter, there was a song for every emotion. I travelled near & far to hear & see you & not just for one night, consecutive nights if needed! There's not a child who has left my class not knowing who George Michael was, whether they liked it or not..I will be forever known to them as Mrs George! I hope you knew how much we loved you, your voice, your music, your endless generosity. You will be missed but never forgotten & your music will be your legacy.To your family & friends, I send you love ❤. I feel so sad that you have lost a loved one.
Lesley George (as I'm always called!)
Be at peace George x


You gave us so much with your music, you will live on forever.
Always loved
Gina, a lovelie


Love That Man... I Miss That Man...
George, you have left us, your Family, Friends & Lovelies Heartbroken & Devastated... It's been 2 weeks... While we should be saying Happy New Year, we are Grieving instead... There's is Nothing Happy about a new year Without you in it, at least not physically... Your Music & Legacy will live on Forever, but the world will Never be the same without Sweet, Gorgeous, Funny, So Very Talented, Generous, Beautiful (Inside & Out) You...
Thank you for all you have done & for being who you are...
Thank you for sharing yourself & your Angelic Voice, Your Amazing Words & Songs... Your Heart & Soul... It's an Honor to have been a die-hard fan, Lovelie, for 33 years and counting...
Rip now Sweet Sweet Yog with your Mum & Anselmo... Our only consoling thought...
You are Forever Loved, Always Remembered & Never Forgotten...
Know that you Have Been Loved & I Will be the One Who Loves You Till the End of Time...
I Love You... X


You have been with me since i was kid.You filled my teenage with meaningfulness and bliss.Strange,i always felt like i know you.Now,i am sure .
Thank you George.Play with angels.


Dear Family & Friends, my condolences with this terrible loss. Hopefully all the words in this book will offer you a little comfort and will show you how much George meant to everyone!
George means so much to me !! I've been a fan since I was 8 years old and I have grown up with his music. From WHAM, to my first Faith concert on my 13th and the many beautiful moments I have been allowed to experience. George was and is a wonderful man! Honest, open, pure, with it's heart in the right place. Blessed with the most beautiful voice I've ever heared. He was a fantastic singer and songwriter. He will be forever in my heart. His music will live on forever!!
I will Never... Ever... Ever... forget him!!
RIP George ... ❤
Love Always ❤


I have like listened to George's my entire life as as we are similar in age have grown up with his music, paid attention to the milestones in his life, been present at his concerts and followed his career closely for as long as I can remember. He will be really missed
R.I.P. George


I discovered George as part of Wham when i was ten. He was my first pop star love and thirty two years later still feel the same way . His voice was like no other. Unique and unmistakable. Beautiful and heartfelt. Every note pitch perfect. George was a rare talent with a kind soul. I am so grateful to have heard him sing live many times. He will always remain in my heart. The world has lost a cherished vocal artist and campaigner of many causes. I hope George knew how much the world loved him. Goodnight George. x


GM you will be missed.
Rest in peace.
I am stunned!!!!!!!!!!!
With love


Dear George,
I have Loved you for 32 years your music has matured with me. I will never forget the day I heard you had passed. I feel that I knew you through your music and I am missing you so much. You are so talented writing great songs, beautiful voice and handsome too! You have the best fans ever and your music will live on. The tributes and outpouring of love for you shows how respected you are. You have been taken from us far too soon, I can't imagine a world without you. I hope you are at peace, sending my love to your family and friends. You are loved and always will be 💕


Dear George
Thank you for 35 wonderful years. I wish I had met you all that time ago when your cousin Sophia gave me the chance but alas I was too shy back then.
I will miss you so much.
Find peace with your Mum now and fly high my angel.
All my love


I still find it hard to believe the sad news of your passing on Christmas day. Your songs have been the soundtrack to my life. I was too young to go see you live in the 80's and I was so ecstatic when I got to see you live a few times in Ireland during your last few tours. I was front of the stage each time !! You were amazing !! You have left such a legacy with your wonderful music and I will continue to listen to it over and over. I hope you know how special you were to all of us. I hope your family and friends find the strength to get through this sad time. Rest in peace George. You have been loved xxxx


Probably one of the saddest Xmas days I've ever had. I was so upset to hear of George passing away on Xmas day of cried most of the night and since then I am frightened to listen to your wonderful music as I will cry. I have since then managed to listen to Jesus to a child and different corner and I did cry but happily as George's music will always be in my heart forever!!! I seen the symphonica tour at the secc in 2012 and he was fabulous as ever, I have always been a huge fan of his music and his wonderful voice. Why has he been taken from us as he was only 53! Rest in peace my love you will always be in my heart Sir George michael 😍😍😥😥xxxxxx


You have been in my life for as long as I can remember. I could tell you all the times that I needed you and you were there. A reliable, comforting source that a young girl needs in a difficult time. Not only the hard times but the good too. For me, although I appreciate music, there was only you. You are loved, much more than you ever will know. My heart goes out to your family and nearest and dearest. May you rest in peace with those that passed before you - your dear mother and Anselmo. Thankfully, your legacy - your music and philanthropy will forever live on. If only, there were more like you. Much love now and forever.....


No words will come for this Golden Book
No matter what I try, my minds in a loop
Senses are numb perhaps better this way
No Rhyme nor Reason fill my day.

Eyes see grey where colour use to be
Shrill ringing in ears from broken piano key
It can’t be true, just keep head in sand
I can not mourn my Music Man.

He is still here, just out of sight
Keeping a low profile, so much to write
With boyish grin, still mischief maker
I can keep him alive, free from the Haters.

Fragile Soul most cherished, generous and kind
I should have prayed harder for More Time
Leave me be in Limbo, now a better place
Rainbow Colours blossom, Melody Trebles sweet Bass.

Here Eyes can see and Ears can hear
Words still rhyme, there are no tears
We meet each day for coffee and shoot the breeze
Forever young, we giggle and plan the future with ease.

Come visit us here, its a welcoming spot
The Craic is great, the sun is hot
Leave the hurt behind, leave it back at the Mill
Here, when the Sun Goes Down, he shines brighter still.


I don't know how to start and I wish there was no reason to write this. I realized today that I could speak for a century and yet still not adequately describe the impact George Michael has had on my life. Unfortunately, I also don't think I have the words to describe the impact of his death either. I have two letters I have kept for thirty years. One was written when I was a star struck 11 year old girl and I just needed to tell George how much I loved him. The second was about two years later when I thought I was going to miss his local Faith concert and I felt the occasion could not pass without an explanation. I chuckle when reading them, but I also know how enamored I was with George. His voice, his songs, his smile, the joy in his eyes... I stopped writing unsent letters after that, but I never stopped loving and listening. His talent is undeniable.
In 2006, when George announced tour dates that did not include the United States, I planned a trip to London solely to see him in concert. It was the best trip I have ever taken and was mainly because I was able to celebrate George the entire time. It ended spectacularly with a show at Wembley Arena close to Christmas. While I thought I was the only person who'd fly across the ocean to see him, there was a woman from Pennsylvania a few seats away. It was great to see US fans supporting George so much.
I was fortunate enough to see him live twice more when he did tour the United States in 2008. And I had always hoped there was another tour in my future.
Christmas morning, my son gave me a picture he drew for me that included all of my favorite things, including George Michael. Sadly, later that day, my husband very gently came to me and showed me the worst headline I've ever read. Then the texts started. And the tears. And the non-stop playing of his music. And the reading and rereading of his lyrics. And so on... it has not diminished.
I hope George realized just how much he was loved and how many people he impacted around the globe. We fans will mourn his loss, but we will never stop celebrating his music.
Thank you for everything George. You have been loved and you will be missed.


Dear Georgi: It's with sadness that I write this. You are no longer with us but your voice and memories for ever be. There's a special place in my heart for you. Thanks for your music and for being your beautiful self. Always loved❤️❤️💔LR


I am not sure where to start or what to say but I am sorry for the pain you went through and the loneliness you felt. You were and are so loved I wish you could have felt our love for you.
You have left so much love behind that is shared through your music your giving and helping of so many people. God how I wish you could have felt the love we have for you.
I know you are in heaven singing with the best choir ever. You will live on here through all of your works and your name your legacy will never die. My son is only 6 but he is heart broken you are gone he said you were the best singer ever.
Until we meet again keep singing my friend.


A beautiful man. A beautiful soul. A beautiful voice that captured all of our hearts. You were wise beyond your years...an old soul. Humble. Gifted. Generous. Talented. Your voice could soothe a long day and your music could make us dance a long night.
When my time comes, I'm grabbing hold of my family and friends and I'm coming to find you...so I can dance to your amazing voice once more.
Rest In Peace, love and harmony. We've lost a treasured gem. My heart is shattered.


I grew up listening to George Michael. His voice is always with me.
When I'm feeling down, his voice is always my guidance,
decision-maker, and the answer to every problem. George's become a
real friend to me through all this, so he is the second close person I
lost. It's really sad that the world lost such a great talented man
and a lovely human being. I just about fell apart.
George Michael was my hero, he always taught me not to pay attention to other people's opinions.
Rest In Peace, George.
With Love,


Dearest George,
I never thought this day would come so soon. The world has lost a beautiful beautiful soul. Thank you for bringing so much to many people's lives. Not only super talented but you were a humble precious soul with a big beautiful generous heart. Your sense of humour & quick wit were the best & your music will forever be imprinted in my heart. I have wonderful fun memories I will never forget from your concerts in Australia 2010 & am proud that I was part of the George Michael Honour float in the Mardi Gras parade that year. You would be super chuffed at the massive outpouring of love shown to you, all the flowers, gifts & cards. You were loved by many & always will be. RIP lovely man ~ you’re wrapped in God's arms now. Much love & strength to George’s family & closest friends, you are very much in my thoughts


Heaven sent and heaven stole an angel by the name of Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou - better known as George Michael to his thousands of fans, or should I say "Lovlies", as he called us.
George, you smiled at us like Jesus to a Child, even if you were somewhat reluctant, and I am unapologetically devastated that I will never be able to tell you how much that means to me.
Your beautiful soul left this earth far too soon, and as selfish as it may seem us Lovlies would do anything to bring you back.
You have shown us all the importance of Faith and Freedom, and touched so many people with your incredibly kind heart, generosity, humour, warmth, compassion and talent.
I thank the universe every day for bringing your music to me and allowing me to exist at the same time as you.
You Have Been Loved George, more than you will ever know. 😢


'From the age of 15 I knew I would be a little bit (OK a lot) in love with George, not just his amazing music ability and angelic, soulful voice but his stunning good looks and his wonderful, kind, witty personality. I convinced myself that one day I would meet him and we would become friends; foolish I know, but I had so much admiration for him, still have and always will have until my dying day. I've seen him in concert twice and each time, it was as if he was singing to me and only to me; that's how much he touched people. To hear the horrendous news of his untimely passing has affected me enormously and my heart has broken a little bit more; I've lost most of my loved ones and now George has gone, a light has gone out forever. I hope his fans, both old and new, will keep listening and enjoying his music for generations to come and rejoice in the marvellous gift that he gave to the world of music and so much more as a wonderful, kind and compassionate human being. I will miss you George, until we finally meet when the moon comes over the mountain, love you xxx'


Dearest George,
For 31 years you have been the soundtrack of my life.You will continue to me.
The pleasure that your music has given me is unmeasurable.
I was lucky to meet Jack once and then in 2012 a dream came true when I met you,had a conversation and photo taken with you all with my friend of whom I met because of you George.
Rest in peace.
Forever a fan


Dear George,
You have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Your songs were always playing on the radio and always brought me such joy when I would hear your voice. One of my earliest memories is actually me sitting on the floor listening to the radio and asking my mother about who sings “Last Christmas”. If you were wondering, she said Michael Jackson. I still laugh about that today.
I cannot explain how privileged I feel to have lived when George Michael did. At only 19 years old, I feel blessed to have spent those years with your music in my life. Whether I needed a pick me up or a friend to celebrate my success, you were always there. I feel safe in saying that you are the best friend I ever had. I can trace almost every memory I have to a song or album you’ve made. For that, I cannot thank you enough.
You taught me to be unapologetically me. You inspired me to follow my dreams and to be myself no matter what people think of me. You continue to inspire me every single day. You are my hero and you are a hero to so many people out there. An inspiration to billions. A true idol.
Thank you for making such wonderful music. Thank you for your angelic voice. Thank you for your unapologetic personality. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your presence on earth. Thank you for being George Michael.
Love always,


You are no longer there, where you were, but you are everywhere where I am.
Αιωνία σου η μνήμη The singing Greek.
Forever my love.
For eternity George Michael.


Late Christmas Day the text came from my dad...'so sorry to hear about George'. What on earth could he be talking about......
How can the death of someone you don't know personally make you feel like this? Thank you George for being the soundtrack to my life, and the lives of so many others, from the age of 10. I've been 'by your side' through it all and I'll always love your music and the way it makes me feel. Saying I'll miss you doesn't seem qhite enough. Rest in peace and sing with the angels ♡


Dear George,
You are one of the greatest singer the world have ever seen, poets off all the time.
Touched by your soul and listening, watching you perform is the greatest memory of my life, I am deeply treasuring those moments.
I hated that in so many ways, many times, you felt like goldfish in a glass bowl. I feel need to apologize in the name of "people" who gave you such a hard time...
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, means that you succeeded.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment, and you manage that darling.
You, great man who from the bottom of his heart felt that soul and spiritual thing is stronger than any other material force.
Your songs and poetry are constant reminders that you were an Angel here on earth.
I'll be missing you always.
Hope that somewhere, somehow our soul lanes will meet up again in some beautifull way.
Lovely Angel, I love you so much and now I must let you go :'(
I know that now you are among your loved ones and that finally you find your peace of mind and still listening to you heart xxx
Rest In Peace.
One of yours lovelies,


For George

Why did it come to this, why did you have to go
I keep asking myself, does god even know
I listened to your voice, the smooth beautiful voice
it took me away to another place to forget a while
I hope your Mum & family were there to take your hand
I realise that you had to go, I will never understand
Sweet Dreams, Rest in Peace George XX


George, I'm a relatively young fan of yours. I'm 26 years old, born a bit after your first decade of music, but on the year of the wonderful song Freedom 90 :) haha. A fan of yours from about 15 y/o, when I first heard Careless Whisper, then Kissing a Fool, and bought your Ladies and Gentlemen compliation. Though looking back your first song I ever loved prior to being your fan was Amazing, hearing it when it came out on 2004. But I know that 10 years is young next to your 30+ year fans. Anyway...
I became a huge fan, fell in love with your music, old and new, including Wham!, fell in love with the 80's too thanks to you, and shaped my musical taste around your music. You were one of a kind. Your music went with me in so many special moments of my life. I fell in love with the singer and the personality (can't say person as I've never met you, though wonderful stories of your kindness to fans and generocity in general go on and on now). You had the voice of an angel, and it was my lifelong dream to see you live and God knows, maybe meet you in person.
But I was too young when you went on 25Live, and a student when you went on Symphonica, living in Israel and having to fly to Europe for your show. I know those sound like excuses, looking back I wouldn't have waited, but I thought I had my entire life to hear you live, and now you're gone. I'm devastated you are no longer with us, and that your work was stopped in the middle, as I was waiting to hear more from you.
But like many of us, your fans, and like me as well, you were fighting strong difficulties within your soul. I take comfort in the fact that you are now at peace and no longer in pain, and that your music stays for decades to go, and your name will live through your music, like what you said was your wish. I will miss you dearly, although we've never met, and I thank you for being the singer of my life (in my language it sounds better, oh well) and for making such wonderful wonderful music.


George, I don’t know where to begin or even how to start…Even in my darkest dreams, I never thought that day would arrive, that the worst would come, to be honest I’ll always believed that my love would protect you, too bad that I was wrong…
Your death cuts like a knife, your absence is indescribable, unreal, like a nightmare and God knows how much I’d love, beg, pray that this was a nightmare and that there will come a day when I’ll wake up and been told that you’re still there.
I’ll always - till my last day - love, honour, respect, cherish, adore you George, you will always be my one and only, the love I have for you will never ever stop. You were the only man that I would have given or done anything for. I could’ve die for you.
My life will never be the same for sure but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these 20 amazing and unforgettable years of joy, happiness, love, fear, excitment, pride and music George.
I will be the one who who loves you…till the end of time.
You have been loved George Michael.


Dear George
You will be missed by me forever, you and your songs were an inspiration throughout my whole life and will continue to be. Such a sad day on Christmas Day 2016, the song Last Christmas will always mean something different from now on. I hope you find peace and happiness with the angels in heaven.
I will miss you very much and the world will be a sadder place without you.
Love always Xxxx


Dear George Michael,
Most people will know you from your (few) songs on the radio, to me you're the voice I fell in love with when I was about 10 years old.
You taught me how to listen to music, how to enjoy music and really hear it, feel it...that if the music, the words and the voice were a perfect mix, music could touch my soul. And you did touch my soul, to the very core.... Your voice, I know every little detail of your voice, the way you sing, the way you move when you sing, your nervous tic, pushing your glasses up with the back of your hand, so sweet...you are the best live artist by far, but so humble...
You were there all through my teenage years, my twenties, oooooh and then I got to see you in my thirties....
You cried with me and gave me comfort when I was broken and sad...you danced and sang with me when I was happy...every single song holds a memory...You were my first love and always will be...my number one forever!
I wish people would listen to your songs, the ones that they don't play on the radio, and listen to them, really listen to them. Like 'My Mother had a Brother' if you listen to that song, how can you not feel your pain... They say you were private...I guess they didn't listen to your songs...when you sang 'Jesus to a Child' on the MTV awards, I cried and cried, how could they not know that it was for a loved one you've lost...You tell us everything in your songs...don't they hear your pain when you sang 'Waltz away dreaming' for your mom, the joy and happiness in 'Amazing'...When you were ready to love again after losing Anselmo, you asked him 'Please send me someone' and he did send you your 'American Angel'.
Oh and the day you appeared on Twitter, I screamed it from the rooftops, my George is on Twitter...you shared us pictures of your girls, your home...and I will always think that when I responded on a picture of a part of your garden and said that I would love to see your whole garden....the next tweet was a picture of your whole garden, it was because I asked it...I know it wasn't, but just let me believe it was...
Just like I want to think that when I sat and stood there glowing in the middle of the front row in Brussels, you saw me and saw how happy you made me, how your voice moves me so and how grateful I was and am. You were on your knees in front of me while singing 'White Light', like you were thanking us, but I can never repay you for how grateful I am for you sharing your gift with us. Your music made me who I am today! THANK YOU!
I wish people will remember you for your voice, music and generosity (do they know how much you did for charities, that was never in the news!)
I'm so sorry for your sisters, dad, family, friends and loved ones, you were a kind and giving person and you'll leave a great hole in their lives.
Give your mom a hug and play with your girls...one day I'll be able to hear your voice again without crying...one day
I'm blessed to be a Lovely, I will be forever and love you till the day I die.
Forever your Lovely,


I have loved George Michael with all my heart all my life.
My deepest condolences to those who knew and loved Yog and had him in their lives.
I am crying and shocked that the illness and the world were cruel enough to take him away from us but relieved that he is at peace and resting at last.
What a gift to the world and what a loss.
He was a great man who fought incredibely bravely the many - way too many battles that life had in store him.
He was also blessed with creativity and success the way only few people are.
George was one of the biggest artists of our time.
They don't get any bigger.
What pain and what joy co-existed in his heart. The world fell in love with him. How privileged I was to have "landed" on this planet when he did!
Thank you to his mum and dad for having him.
Wishing strenght to all who survive him.


Hi, I just wanted to say to George's family & friends how much he meant to me. I've loved him since I was 10 years old and 35 years on still do.... I am totally devastated that he has gone but he will always have a very special place in my heart. I'm just eternally grateful that I got to see George perform live, twice, and his memory will live with me forever. A true gent, gone but never forgotten ....... Sending all my love, from Melanie in Glasgow xxx


George Michael you are and always will be a legend to the music world.
You wrote the most amazing songs and had such an unbelievable voice.
Your tunes are a legacy and will never be forgotten.
You created classics that will be played for years to come.
Your passing has truly shocked the world but you will always be the boy from Bushey who had the biggest amount of talent and gave us all such wonderful memories with your songs.
Heaven has most definitely gained a beautiful star and it will shine forever more.
Thank you George - You are the soundtrack of my life!
You are so sorely be missed.
Lots of love,


Je suis si triste par ta disparition si soudaine c'est un réel cauchemar, Merci de m'avoir fait découvrir l'Opéra Garnier cela restera grave à tout jamais dans mon coeur.
Mon seul regret aujourd'hui est celui de ne t'avoir jamais rencontré après toutes ces années 😢je ne t'oublierai jamais repose en paix près de ta maman my Lovely
Une forte pensée pour ton père Jack, tes sœurs Mélanie et Yoda, ainsi que tous tes proches et amis
Je continuerai à écouter ta musique sans modération


Querido y amado yog nunca te olvidare fue muy fuerte tu perdida hasta el dia de hoy no lo puedo creer que ya no sabré mas de ti solo me queda escuchar tus canciones y por siempre amarte!
George nunca te olvidare fuiste muy importante siempre con tus canciones como persona siempre estarás en mi corazón te amo yog!!


George !!!
Thank you for your beautiful songs, for your amazing and beautiful voice. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Thank you for your smile and kind words for everyone. He approached the end of your mission here on Earth. Be happy with their loved ones in the land of eternity. For me, he will live forever :)


Cher George
Depuis l'âge de 13 ans vous faites battre mon cœur au rythme de votre musique. De WHAM à FAITH je vous ai admiré, idolâtré car j'étais une adolescente.........
Puis j'ai grandi mais je vous ai gardé dans mon cœur et j'ai évolué avec vos chansons !!! Votre voix restera la plus belle voix du grand chanteur anglais que vous étiez !!!!!
Je ne vous oublierais JAMAIS de last Christmas à Kissing a Fool ou Careless Whisper sans oubliez celle qui me donne toujours des frissons You ve been love !!!! Votre album SYMPHONICA est un pur chef d œuvre !!!
BRAVO ....... Je vous écouterais encore et encore et encore et encore et encore jusqu à ma propre fin de vie


Merci George pour tout ce que tu m'a apporté! Tu représentais tellement pour moi depuis mon enfance! J'ai passé tant de merveilleux moments grâce à toi, je ne pourrais jamais te remercier assez. Tu étais l'incarnation de la classe et de l'élégance. Tu avais la plus belle des voix.. une voix en or! Chacun des moments de ma vie étaient représentés par une de tes chansons. Ta musique a toujours su me redonner le sourire.
J'attendais chaque jour ton retour en 2017 et malheureusement il n'arrivera jamais..
Tu étais le meilleur, le plus gentil, généreux, attentionné, aimant et talentueux!
Alors George, sache que nous t'aimerons toujours et que nous ne t'oublierons jamais!
We deserved to see your face again..


Dear George,
Tu fais partie de ma vie depuis l âge de 10 ans et j en ai 43 aujourd hui.
Tu as été pour moi un ange venu du ciel, tu as été mon soutien affectif, psychologique, lorsque j avais le blues étant malade je t écoutais et c'est comme une main tendue que ta voie resonnait en moi et me disait <ne t inquiète pas tu n'es pas seule tout ira bien>!
Et je reprenais la pêche, la force de vivre revenait en moi.
Tu as fait partie intégrante de ma vie, fillette avec wham, ado avec faith ou ton visage placardait les murs de ma chambre (et encore aujourd'hui mariée chez mes parents) , enceinte avec amazing d ou le miracle de devenir maman, mariee avec older et les concerts 25 lives, symphonica, ou l homme de ma vie te partage!
Tu es pour moi une source de vie et d espoir . Tu es lié à vie avec moi car le jour le plus important de mon fils sera le jour de ton anniversaire alors de la haut prie pour nous. Merci pour tout, ta voix, ton style, ta classe, ta gentillesse, tes musiques tes interprétations, tes inspirations, tes phénomènes de mode, ta générosité à l' égard des enfants et des gens malades, tu resteras à jamais dans mon coeur, dans ma vie, mon frère, mon ami, mon artiste le plus doué de sa génération.
Je t aime et je n arrive pas a réaliser que tu ne sois plus là près de nous. Ton nouvel album nous fera chavirer et pleurer à chaudes larmes. Part mon étoile je saurais te reconnaître parmis toute les autres et retrouve ceux que tu aimes. Je leverais les yeux au ciel des que je voudrais te parler. Rest in peace. Une pensée également pour tes proches.
Love as always.


George Michael was a dear soul friend who shone a light into the world of music. His work touched the hearts of many and he was a guiding light. Thank you for the music, the songs we're singing and will forever more. Thank you for being human and your artistic works will go down in history as avant garde. Perhaps a time will come that you believed in when a gay happy life is all safe and sound. A world you lived! Let's hope for a bright new tomorrow where you will shine down upon us as you helped make it happen. Blessed be thee xxxxxx


George que Dieu te reçoive auprès de lui, et te donne tout l'amour que tu as besoin, sur cette terre personne n'a pu te donner l'amour dont tu avais besoin, tu aimais beaucoup et ut ne recevais pas autant,ma peine est immense, j'espère que tu as retrouvé ta maman et qu'enfin le bonheur est au rendez-vous, merci pour toutes ces belles années de bonheur grâce à ta musique, ceux qui ont commenté des frasques n'ont pas compris que c'était des appels au secours, une de tes lovelies!


Je n'arrive pas à parler de notre GEORGE au passé, je dis toujours qu'il est mon IDOLE
Impossible pour moi de dire il était, il chantait, il dansait...
Tous les matins je démarre ma journée avec le Live de Londres et je continue la journée en voiture avec lui
Le soir, je regarde si on en sait plus sur ce qui s'est passé, je veux savoir, mais en même temps j'ai peur d'apprendre que sa mort ne soit pas naturelle
C'est tellement injuste, un être si BON et GENEREUX, j'espère surtout qu'il n'a pas souffert et qu'il repose en PAIX, qu'on le laisse tranquille maintenant, ça suffit
Le jeudi avant cette terrible nouvelle, je disais à tout le monde que je l'avais vu en concert au Silo à Marseille en 2011, je réalisai en le disant que ça faisait 5 ans déjà !!!
Ma soeur m'a dit, on ne pourra plus le voir en vrai, on ira sur sa tombe
Je le ferai un jour c'est certain puisque j'ai toujours dit que j'irai à Londres pour le voir (mais c'était pas prévu comme ça)
je t'aime mon GEORGE MICHAEL de ma vie, que ton AME puisse renaître un jour pour donner aux gens cette CHANCE et ce BONHEUR que l'on a eu de te connaître
Tu vis en nous et à travers nous POUR TOUJOURS


Words fail when hearts are full you will be truely missed and loved by so many forever,the world has lost a true genius along with a true kind caring loving gentlemen, love always xxxxxxxxx


A huge star has joined the sky. A sad gift for your last Christmas, a bad joke. But you regain your freedom. Such a nice person you were. You were all my life beside me, in my heart and you helped me so much. A huge void that will never be filled. A brother, a friend, a spiritual father I had the chance to meet, who inspired me to write my songs. A star that will always shine a little more for me in the sky. I will never forget you. Thanks for all YOG.


Tengo la profunda convicción de que eras un hombre especial, generoso, sensible, un ser humano con altibajos pero amante de la vida. Tu música es una extensión de tu alma. Tu voz única, que desde niña me cautivo y me atrapo. Gracias por tu legado, dejaste una huella imborrable.
Hasta siempre George!


‌Quelle triste nouvelle nous quitter un 25 décembre.
Sa voix, son sourire, ce physique, nous ne l'oublierons jamais


George... I don't think you know how much you were loved. From those very first 80's days in Wham until the very end you were my hero. No matter who came and went in my life, you were the constant. I knew you were gay but that was fine, I was gutted but I still loved you. I just wanted you to be happy. So many memories. Club Tropicana - and going to Ibiza with my girlfriends to try and find the hotel (there was no Google in them days). The fabulous Careless Whisper (that still makes me cry). Last Christmas where you looked so handsome, don't even get me started on what that will forever mean. Then there was your contribution and appearance in the Band Aid video. I still only watch for your line; and then the fantastic Faith album. Such a legend. But for me you were simply the best when you wrote Praying for Time. Such a gifted and talented man. Why is it only now coming to light how generous you were? Your generosity was unbelievable.
My daughter came out to find me on Christmas Day evening to tell me the sad news as she knew I'd be devastated and wanted to look after me. You are the most underrated songwriter/musician of modern times. In your own words you were AMAZING. May you rest in peace George. To me you will always be the first love of my life 💔


I'm not of the same generation as the fans of George (but I am still one). I had to say a few words. I've known George since his beginning with Stéphane, an irreducible fan, who trained his father at George's first concert in Paris, and I, the last, always with Steph during his Symphonica tour at the Royal Albert Hall. George had entered our life. I did three concerts and now I regret not having seen at the Opera Garnier, undecided because I always hoped that there would be other concerts. Every time I went to London it was a sort of pilgrimage, I crossed Waterloo Park dreaming of meeting him with his dogs, then I continued to his home, not wanting to stop on the way visit the tomb of Karl Marx, I preferred to stay longer in front of his home. Alas, my dream was inaccessible and broke on December 25, 2016. Never I have imagined a short time ago passing in front of this cemetery that he would be there. I dare not believe it today. I will do it the same way when I return to London, of course my heart will not be the same, too sad, the atmosphere will not be the same, But for his memory and if there is a life after death that he can see from the heavens that we are always faithful to him and we will never forget him. He leaves us inheritance his music and his songs engraved forever to the musical pahthéon. Rest in peace, God bless your soul and help your family and friends to overcome this ordeal. I miss you George.


My sweet angel,
You will never know just how profoundly and wonderfully my life was changed from the very first time that I saw you, when you made your debut on Top of the Pops, all those years ago. I was only four years old then and could never have imagined that the heaven-sent fairytale prince of my dreams on that TV screen that evening would still own my heart and soul thirty-four years later. From that very first moment I saw and heard you, you were, are and ever will be an integral part of my psyche and I will love you more every day until the end of time. I only wish that we could have met ... just once, even if only for a single, fleeting moment.
Although I was born with a lifelong physical disability and mocked mercilessly, both as a child and adult, nothing that the bullies said or did could harm me while I had your beautiful lyrics and angelic voice to take me to a place of breathtaking beauty and sanctuary in an otherwise cruel and unenlightened world. So not even my darkest nightmares could have prepared me for the paralysing shock and immeasurable pain I have felt deep in my shattered core ever since I saw and heard the heart-rending news of your untimely passing on Christmas Day. I still cannot believe that you are gone, far, far too soon and I miss you more and more every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
In time, perhaps, my inconsolable tears and overwhelming inner pain may eventually ease; but I promise you that I will never stop loving you for even a single moment. I will carry with me forever every one of the cherished memories that you have given me over the past thirty-four years in my heart, mind and soul.
You truly are the soundtrack to my life, the owner of my heart and soul - and the overwhelming love of my life. Thank you, from the depths of my aching and torn heart for teaching me all that I know about love, understanding, compassion and decency. Thank you for saving me from the brink of despair so many times. Thank you for your beautiful voice, open heart and loving soul, which so naturally shone out from every pore of your matchless body.
Above all, thank you for just being completely, authentically and unapologetically you. Sadly - for the world at large as well as those who truly loved you from both near and far - there will never be another quite like you.
Sleep peacefully my angel. I hope, one sweet day, that I might see you in heaven, safe and happy in the arms of those you love. Until then you will be forever in my thoughts, I will see you always in my dreams and will speak to you as your star sparkles brightest in the night sky.
You truly were Jesus to a child and a God amongst men.
Rest in everlasting peace, Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou. You will never be forgotten.
Yours for eternity,


If it is hard to say goodbye and to accept that one of the greatest is gone, I can’t imagine how it must be for his father and sisters. I have got the feeling I have lost someone very important , not only a Singer, but the man who made and make me happy during 32 years. No more hopes for new songs, but at least we have tons of good ones to keep on living. I am going to miss you the rest of my life. My favourite joke was tos ay that our relationship lasted longer than any other I ever had or probably will have.Gone but not forgotten you can’t be forgotten that’s for sure.Love you


Chère vous tous...
Comment expliquer à une famille la place qu'avait votre frère, votre fils, votre ami.
C'est comme beaucoup, je le suis depuis mes 14 ans... j'ai aimé chaque période et il était là aussi en musique... j ai chanté, dansé, embrassé, et pleuré sur sa musique. Des artistes qui partent ( michael jackson, Bowie,. ..) m'ont fait u