After listening many times and really carefully, my opinion is that Let Her Down Easy is a reat product, an evolution (version 2.0) of what George and Phil have made with SFTLC.
The atmosphere is great and the voice full of velvet and smoothness is there too.
But there's something more, also for the fans that know almost every live performance.
George and Phil introduce us to the rough part of George voice (Ray Charles style).
The mixed result (soft and rough) is a fascinating and intense rendition of the Terence Trent D'Arby song that lead the listeners to a quality far different and much higher than what it can usually hear now on the radio.
I have watched "Let Her Down Easy" video numerous times. I love how very creative it is. The sensitivity is so beautiful. This definitely touched my heart. George's voice is so soothing and gentile as you feel the lyrics with him. I believe alot of people will relate to this video in some personal way. Thank you George for another great performance. (fansincewham)
The best vocal George has ever done, made the hairs on my neck stand up.
Happy George fan Hannah Sherlock in Shropshire UK.
Let Her Down Easy” is thematically one of the most unusual songs in pop music. It is sung from the perspective of a father making a heartfelt plea to the man that has either taken or is planning to “take” his daughter’s virginity. The lyrics are far from subtle.
In her strawberry eyes
The way she sees you signifies
That she’s susceptible to your velvet lies
But if you must lay her down
May a butterscotch glow be her dressing gown
And please do not lead her on when you leave town
Even though there’s nothing I can say
Its just human nature any way
George Michael was never a “run of the mill” artist in any sense of the world – not stylistically, not visually, and certainly not lyrically. Hence, it is no surprise that he was drawn to the track and feels the need to perform a cover version of it. His decision to record “Let her down easy” is well within the realms of his multi-faceted and distinct personality – both as a person as well as an artist.
The song is a sparsely produced ballad that features a piano, light string arrangements in parts, and George’s achingly beautiful vocals. Like a fine bottle of wine, George Michael’s vocal ability only seems to get better with time. More importantly, through his vocals he is able to capture both the beauty of a father’s concern and the sense of helplessness he feels as he tries to communicate with this man that is most likely going to hurt his daughter.
The world waited in anticipation for the radio play in the UK of 'Let Her Down Easy' (TTD) interpreted by George Michael The scheduled time was 11am on February 3, 2014 (9.00pm Melbourne, Australia) time.
I searched frantically on TW for any acknowledgment that the single had been played. I knew it had been when Frederique exclaimed one word 'Yes'!!!
A kind Lovely immediately sent me a personal link to the single.
The opening words, by George, sent shivers through my body. I knew our man was back. With the opening bars, I began to melt. I listened intently, to every single sound, in total disbelief. The clarity, passion, depth, range, phrasing, perfection of a MUSICAL MAESTRO was unfolding before me in the form of a new single. I could not believe such beauty in interpretation.
Using only the simplest of musical accompaniments, a piano line, mere strings, George's voice soars, above, around and beyond, with it's own melodic line. Grace, class, intent, purity, expression, it could only be George Michael. It concluded.
I remain stunned.
Forever in awe, will always love, my musical idol, George Michael, a MUSICAL GENIUS'.
As every other lovely I was very excited and waiting for the new single to be played on the radio on the 3rd of February at 11.00 am local time.
I so loved the introduction George has made and my heart skipped a beat when I heard him introducing the song on the radio.
The song is so beautifully sung, just the way I love hearing him best. The video is class and beautiful in every way.
Pure as love can be... THANK YOU GEORGE! You remain the BEST!!!"
I'm happy that the single of the CD Symphonica has been LET HER DOWN EASY. It's my favorite song from that tour. Not so much for the lyrics that is very simple (that is not George's fault ...) but because George Michael puts so much feeling that touches me deep in my heart.
In so far as the video, I still do not understand why we have chosen the circus world for a song with such a sensitive interpretation. Perhaps because it has always seemed to me that the circus world is something sinister is clear evidence the clown video....
But then acknowledge that the video was filmed with softness and elegance. Just spare me the details of the final naked in the video. Already tired to take any occasion for that, even to announce a yogurt should leave a naked woman...
I keep waiting to March 17.
I had the day off when they played for the first time the new single from our George. I was so excited counting down the minutes to hear it.
Was so glad to hear him introduce his own song. And there it was! That voice! So pure, so smooth! It gave me goosebumps throughout the whole song.
It was so amazing to hear him sing this with so much emotion.
Once again I knew why I have been a fan of him for 30 years.
Played it a lot of times by now. Also love the video.
Thank you George for giving us your beautiful version of Let Her Down Easy. Love you with all my heart!"
February 3 2014 a day set in my memory radio release of new George Michael single Let Her Down Easy.
It's eleven o'clock radio on there he speaks This is my new single from the Album Symphonica can't believe it's happening I'm touched from the first second and then that voice it's different as usually but OH I love it.
There's to much emotion for me in these few minutes.
He left me so confused. Now few days later I only can say he done it again it's a master piece. And that VOICE hope it stays forever.
That nostalgic video makes it even better it brought me to tears.
Looking forward for the whole symphonica album and documentary.
George Thanks again it was worth the waiting.
From the moment I heard that George's new single was going to be"Let her down easy" I was a bit taken by surprise and on the other hand maybe I wasn't entirely...
I admit that as I not really knew the song when he sang it for the 1st time at the take off from Symphonica in Prague, my attention was too much caught by beautiful renditions of his own songs and the covers of more well known&actual hits to be fully carried away with that precious little gem called LHDE.
However,as throughout the tour,LHDE was clearly a favorite for George,I listened much more carefully...certainly when I was attending Symphonica here in Belgium at the first leg of the tour and I found he sang it with InCrEdiBLe empathy and straight from his soul as only HE can.
Little did I know that the real highlight was yet to come...
When he sang it in Amsterdam in the Ziggo dome,so pure and genuine he brought me to tears with it...
Maybe it was because my own daughter was there with me so it affected me even more,I don't know,but I do know that at that particular moment he touched my soul very deep with his interpretation and of course that brilliant,sensitive voice of him.
Keeping this in mind I have to say I was very moved that George chose LHDE to be the 1st Symphonica single and well...
perhaps not even thàt surprised because I feel he has a special connection with that song...if not necessarily by its specific lyrics then obviously because it's a most overwhelming tribute for love and purity and as no other George is the perfect artist to capture such beauty and transfer it to his audience...
Thanks to Mr. George Michael for letting us see and feel once again the ReaL beauty in LiFe!