The English publisher OLYMPIA PUBLISHERS contacted me some time ago to offer me to write a review about a poetry book about GEORGE MICHAEL.
I received it, read it and could interview its author an english "lovely" Victoria Rowe.
The title is eloquent and it speaks inevitably to all the fans of the artist: WE TOO HAVE DIED very strong words to express a great sorrow.
Victoria Rowe (@vickytoris) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Victoria Rowe (@vickytoris). aesthetician and published author of poetry. Barnsley, England
Victoria Rowe is a fan like us and she laid down on paper these forty poems her most personal feelings. This collection of poems was published for all those affected, shocked by the disappearance of George Michael and in tribute to the man and the artist he was.
His writing is simple and straightforward: for French readers, it's easily accessible. Some poems are addressed directly to George and reflect perfectly what we want to say to him as in "The Pain In Our Hearts" Words, ideas are recurrent in several texts but overall it is easy to be found in this story of a fan, from the beginning of his passion to the disappearance of his idol.
I was not receptive to "A message from Our George" who speaks on behalf of the artist because I can not conceive that someone can know or imagine what he had deep inside of him without knowing him, or "My arrival": believers may be more sensitive than me.
Victoria also speaks to George's sisters and to Nu the now "famous" governor of Goring: it also evokes her more personal pains, as did her favorite artist, through his beautiful songs.
Thank you Victoria and Olympia Publishers for sharing.
We Too Have Died by Victoria Rowe - Olympia Publishers
Author: Victoria Rowe, Book: We Too Have Died, Category: Poetry, Best Sellers, Price: £5.99, Length: 104 pages. Browse & Buy Now